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The Kleper Report on Digital Publishing Background

The Kleper Report on Digital Publishing (KDP) is an Internet-based publication, launched in August, 1996. It is derived from the Personal Composition Report (PCR), a print-based newsletter which was taken over in 1979, by Professor Michael Kleper, of the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). PCR, which has been published without interruption since its inception, was started by industry consultant Frank Romano, who passed editorial responsibilities of The Direct Input Phototypesetting newsletter to Professor Kleper in 1979. The publication changed both name and editorial focus to include news, comment, and software reviews related to automated typesetting, and later, desktop and electronic publishing and imaging. Over the past several years the editorial focus has grown to include a variety of digital media technologies, such as optical media and World Wide Web publishing, interactive multimedia, and portable digital documents.


Editor Profile

Professor Michael L. Kleper is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of the Rochester Institute of Technology. He has been teaching page creation methods, automated typesetting, and electronic publishing courses since 1969. He was the Paul and Louise Miller Distinguished Professor in the School of Print Media until his retirement in 2006.

Professor Kleper is the author of several books and hundreds of articles. His Illustrated Handbook of Desktop Publishing and Typesetting, which was first published in 1987, is considered the definitive work on the subject. The second, expanded edition in 1990, was published simultaneously in paper and CD-ROM formats, and was the first popular book to be published in this manner. His most recent book is a two-volume set entitled The Handbook of Digital Publishing, comprised of over 1300 pages.


Professor Kleper has also served as editor of a bi-lingual journal on newspaper technology entitled Today's Press and Publishing Technology, and has contributed numerous articles to Electronic Publishing magazine and its predecessor, TypeWorld, as well as several other publications.

Professor Kleper's work has been widely recognized and often cited. His industry survey of jobs in desktop publishing was used as a source document by the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Outlook Quarterly. Their 1991 cover story on desktop publishing was the federal government's first recogition of the technology as a legitimate career area. Professor Kleper remains an unpaid consultant and advisor to that department. He is also a Fulbright Senior Advisor.


About The Kleper Report

The Kleper Report is a subscription-based electronic publication sent to readers who elect to subscribe to it. It is delivered six times per year via email, and consists of comment, articles, news, and software reviews. It is succinct and concise, and presents readers with targeted information along with adequate source data for follow-up. The publication is also available for viewing and downloading from the KDP web site <>.

The Kleper Report deals primarily with the techniques, methods, and technologies associated with the printed and electronic delivery of information. Today, much of the information which is published on the Web, on CD-ROM, and in other forms and hybrid formats, begins in electronic prepress. The repurposing and cross-media utilization of information is centered on the critical issue of content, and how it is reformulated, reformatted, repackaged, and resold. KDP deals with the technologies and methods by which content becomes a redefinable information product.


Subjects covered by KDP include: Book Reviews, Business Applications, Career/ Personal Enrichment, CD-ROM, Color, Comment/Opinion, Communications, Database, Database Publishing, Desktop Publishing, Digital Photography, Disk Maintenance, Display/Monitor, Document Management, Editorial, Educational, Electronic Publishing, Entertainment, Ergonomics, File Management, File Translation, Finishing Methods and Operations, Graphic Arts, Image Collections, Imagesetting, Imaging, Industry News, Input, Internet, Maps/Mapmaking, Media Conversion, Multimedia, Networking, On-demand Publishing, Operating Systems, Peripherals, Preflight, Printing Technology, Printing Utilities, Production Control, Scanners, Scanning Technology, Security, Specialty Output, Standards, Storage Devices, Storage Methods, Storage Technologies, Surveys/Research, System Enhancements, Text Input, Training, Type/Typography, Utilities, Video, and The World Wide Web.

Archive issues of The Kleper Report on Digital Publishing is also published in HTML format, and available at the KDP web site <>. This edition is indexed, and includes graphics and photos.

The Kleper Report Reader Profile

The readership of The Kleper Report is self-selected in that readers must exercise the option to subscribe. It is anticipated that readers will come from many of the following areas: advertising, CD-ROM publishing, computer art, computer users, computer vendors, digital photography, graphic arts, graphic design, interactive publishing, internet consulting, multimedia art, multimedia design, multimedia production, printer vendors, software application users (product specific), software publishing, and Web publishing.



The Kleper Report Advertising Contract


PARTIES: Pursuant to this binding agreement between Graphic Dimensions, of 9065 Taverna Way, Boynton Beach, FL 33472, and Sponsor, also known as ________________________________ of ________________. Sponsor shall pay to Graphic Dimensions $ __________ net thirty (30) days from signing, and Graphic Dimensions shall reserve Web or Publication Advertising Space from the Start Date of ________ to the Finish Date of __________ on one or more issues of the email version, and/or Web Server-based space for one or more issues of the electronic publication known as The Kleper Report on Digital Publishing.



"Web Advertising Space" means one Advertisement stored on a Web page of the web server of The Kleper Report publication, with a defined Start Date and Finish Date.

"Publication Advertising Space" means one Advertisement, listed in an issue of The Kleper Report electronic publication with a defined Start Date and Finish Date.

"Electronic Advertisement" means the graphic file supplied by an Advertiser which can be selected by the users on The Kleper Report web server as a link (URL).

"Link" means a request for information from a server other than the Web server on which the Advertising Space resides.

"Start Date" means the first day the Web Server will display Sponsor's Advertising Space.

"Finish Date" means the last day the Web Server will display Sponsor's Advertising Space.

"Web Server" means a server computer where the Advertising Space resides that users may access via the Internet.

"Usage Statistics" means a set of numbers compiled and reported on a periodic basis to Sponsor, for the purpose of assessing a value, and for estimating future rates.

"Publishers" means Graphic Dimensions, publishers of The Kleper Report on Digital Publishing.

PAYMENT: Graphic Dimensions reserves the right to hold Sponsor and its authorized advertising agent jointly and severally liable for any and all amounts owed. If payments are not made in a timely manner, Graphic Dimensions, at its option, may terminate this Agreement immediately.

COMMITMENT TO FULFILLING TERMS OF AGREEMENT: Sponsors and/or its agencies understand that all discounts given are based on the Sponsor's commitment to fulfilling the Agreement. If, for any reason, this frequency is not met by the time of expiration or cancellation of the Contract, Sponsor agrees to pay a short rate charge on all ads run based on the applicable rate card for the actual frequency completed.

RIGHT TO REFUSE UNACCEPTABLE ADVERTISING: Graphic Dimensions reserves the right to refuse any advertisement sponsorship banner or listing that does not completely conform to every detail, instruction, method, and guideline set in the Technical Specifications which can be found on the Sponsorship Rate Card. Graphic Dimensions reserves the right to refuse any advertisement sponsorship banner or listing that does not arrive fourteen days before the Sponsor would like the banner or listing to be produced online. Graphic Dimensions does not accept advertising from companies that produce or provide tobacco, alcohol, or pornographic products or services (which Graphic Dimensions shall have complete discretion to define), or their subsidiaries, or foundations funded by such companies whose function is to improve acceptance of such products by the public. This Agreement is voidable by Graphic Dimensions immediately if Sponsor fails to disclose (or conceals or misrepresents) any involvement with tobacco, alcohol, or pornographic products or services. In addition, Graphic Dimensions may in its complete discretion refuse the use of any other advertising that it deems inappropriate.


TRUTH IN ADVERTISING/INDEMNIFICATION FOR LIABILITY: Sponsor is solely responsible for any legal liability arising out of or relating to (1) the Advertisement, and/or (2) any material to which users can link through the Advertisement. Sponsor represents and warrants that the Advertisement and Link comply with Graphic Dimensions' advertising standards; and that it holds the necessary rights to permit the use of the Advertisement and Link by Internet browser for the purpose of this Agreement; and that the use, reproduction, distribution, or transmission of the Advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or any rights of any third parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misappropriation of any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or property right, false advertising, unfair competition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of any antidiscrimination law or regulation, or any other right of any person or entity. Sponsor agrees to indemnify Graphic Dimensions and to hold Graphic Dimensions harmless from any and all liability, loss, damages, claims, or causes of action, including reasonable legal fees and expenses that may be incurred by Graphic Dimensions, arising out of or related to Sponsor's breach of any of the foregoing representations and warranties. Sponsor agrees to request that Graphic Dimensions be listed as an additional insured on any policy issued to Sponsor pursuant to which there could be coverage for any of the forms of legal liability described in this paragraph.


ASSIGNMENT: Sponsor may not assign this agreement, in whole or in part, without Graphic Dimensions' written consent. Any attempt to assign this Agreement without such consent will be null and void.

GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.

ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement and any and all exhibits and attachments are the complete and exclusive agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding and replacing any and all prior agreements, communications, and understandings (both written and oral) regarding such subject matter, provided that all pricing will be governed by Graphic Dimensions' rate card, whether printed on paper or electronically. The terms and conditions of this Agreement will prevail over any contrary or inconsistent terms in any purchase order. This Agreement may only be modified, or any rights under it waived, by a written document executed by both parties.

Extra production costs for artwork, photography, programming and associated costs will be charged in addition to space rates.

The advertiser and advertising agency assume liability for all content (including text and illustrations) of advertisements printed and shall indemnify and hold harmless publisher and its employees, from and against all claims of any type or nature (including cost of defense of said claims) arising out of the contents and publication of said advertisements even though said advertisements may be edited by publisher, including, but not limited to, losses or expenses resulting from claims or suits for libel, violation of rights or privacy, plagiarism, and trademark and copyright infringement, whether caused by the negligence of the publisher or its employees, or otherwise.

Payments on advertising contracts must remain current. If not, it is publishers' privilege to cancel and use next higher rate to refigure charges for all insertions already made. A 1 1/2% Monthly Service Charge (Annual Rate 18%) is made on all accounts having unpaid balances 25 days after Posting Cutoff (Billing) Date. In the event of delinquency of an advertising account, the advertiser agrees to pay all collection costs, attorneys' fees and court costs incurred in the collection of the delinquency.

The publishers assume no liability if for any reason it becomes necessary to omit an advertisement. All advertising is submitted subject to publishers' approval. The publishers reserve the right to reject or decline advertising, or suspend advertising privileges for such periods of time, as in their discretion they see fit, for any reason whatsoever, irrespective of the validity of the reasons for rejection or declination of advertising or suspension of advertising privileges. Advertiser acknowledges that he is familiar with the present announced policies of advertising by publishers and understands that said policies may be changed or amplified in the future to meet changing conditions, and that all advertising copy submitted must conform to said policies as determined by the publishers. Publishers, in addition to rejecting or declining advertising copy which, in their discretion, does not conform to advertising policies, whether announced, or placed in effect by publishers, reserve the right to edit advertising copy to conform with said policies. The publishers' responsibility for their errors is limited to the corrected publication of that portion of any advertisement which is incorrectly inserted. The publishers shall not be liable for failure for any reason to print, publish or distribute all or any portion of an issue in which an advertisement accepted by the publishers is to appear.

The advertiser will furnish the publishers with digital copy or legibly printed copy depending on the format of the ad. The publishers will not be responsible for errors which might otherwise occur. Ad copy received by telephone is accepted at advertiser's risk although every effort possible, such as reading back, will be made for accuracy. All copy received by electronic impulse recording devices is likewise accepted at sender's risk although reasonable care will be taken to assure accuracy.

Acceptance of advertising for any item or service is subject to investigation and verification of the product or service, and of the claims made for it in the advertisement submitted for publication.

The publishers reserve the right to require a current financial statement from any advertiser at any time.

All agreements are subject to strikes, accidents, fires, acts of God or other contingencies beyond the publishers' control.

Copy running longer than the space ordered will be cut from the end of the listings or wording, and returned at the discretion of the publishers unless permission to increase space has been given the publishers by the advertiser.

Artwork submitted for illustration will be returned in the manner specified by the advertiser. Return costs will be billed to the advertiser's account. Graphic Dimensions will make every effort to insure the safety of all such artwork but cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage of same.

The publishers reserve the privilege of revising the rates on this contract upon 60 days written notice but give the advertiser the right to cancel without penalty if the revision is not acceptable.

Advertiser Rate Information

For advertiser and sponsor rates, please visit the Rate Card Page.


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