The Kleper Report on Digital Publishing RATE CARD (effective May, 2005)

Advertisement Type Regular Rate
Email Sponsorship Top Placement $350 per issue
Consists of company name, address (street, email, and web), and a one sentence description of product or service.
Email Bottom Advertisement Placement $200 per issue
Consists of up to 50 words. For those holding a Top Placement ad in the same issue only.
Banner Display Ad on Web Site $550 per month front page

$400 per month secondary page

Advertiser-supplied 450 x 55 pixel graphic. Add a one-time charge of $100 for a digital ad created by Graphic Dimensions from a scannable advertiser copy.
Panel Display Ad on Web Site $275 per month front page

$175 per month secondary page

Advertiser-supplied 200 x 55 pixel graphic. Add a one-time charge of $100 for a digital ad created by Graphic Dimensions from a scannable advertiser copy.
For six successive months prepaid deduct 25%
For 12 successive months prepaid deduct 50%

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