FIG.12: A user implements the CopyFit Overset Text Boxes option
bysimply checking it. (Screen capture courtesy of Meadows
Information Systems)

IMAGE DataMerge.pm14.gif
IMAGE DataMerge.pm15.gif

FIG. 13: The DataMerge CopyFit window. (Screen
capture courtesy of Meadows Information

Step and Repeat. Page elements that have been linked to a database file can be
replicated, so that they appear multiple times on a page. This is useful if the output must be
produced in quantity, such as in the case of producing business cards. This is accomplished
by selecting the elements to be replicated and using Quark’s Step and Repeat option in the
Item menu. The user need only indicate the number of replicates, and the horizontal and
vertical offset distances. If this is all that is done, a single record will be reproduced repeat-
edly on each page (FIG. 14). The user can also sequence the links (FIG. 15), so that different
records will appear in each replicate, rather than the same one repeatedly (FIG. 16).

IMAGE DataMerge.pm16.gif

FIG.14: Elements that are replicated carry their variable database links with them. (Screen capture courtesy
of Meadows Information Systems)

IMAGE DataMerge.pm17.gif
IMAGE DataMerge.pm18.gif

FIG. 15: Link sequencing is used to assign a
different record numberto a selected variable
link. (Screen capture courtesy of Meadows
Information Systems)

IMAGE DataMerge.pm19.gif

FIG. 16: The result of setting the link sequenc-
ing to 2. (Screen capture courtesy of Mead-
ows Information Systems)

IMAGE DataMerge.pm20.gif

[made with GoClick]