This issue of KDP is sponsored by:
![]() | Picture Networks Deliver Digital Snapshots from Filmby Professor Michael Kleper <> |
Whether a photograph begins life in paper form, as a print; or in film
form, as a slide, it can be expressed in digital form, and delivered in
digital form using the Internet. Consumers and professionals have the
option of ordering digital delivery of their film processing through the
Internet, using services such as PhotoNet
Using a picture network for photographic processing, and digital
conversion, is advantageous for several reasons:
* It extends the use of silver-based cameras, one of which virtually
everyone owns. No special skills are needed and the processing steps are
totally transparent to the user. It extends access to digital photography
to those with little or no knowledge or experience with the technology.
Picture takers can share their photographs without the expense of buying
extra prints, or paying to mail them. Perhaps the greatest benefit is the
reduction in time between capturing the image and sharing it.
* With the use of a single-use camera, casual, last-minute, and
spur-of-the-moment photographs can be captured and posted in a timely
fashion. This is especially useful for travellers who have forgotten to
pack a camera, or suddenly find that they need one for an unanticipated
event. A business person can photograph scenes pertinent to a deal,
meeting, or activity, and can share them with colleagues across the country
in as little as an hour, all without a computer, or access to the Web; and
at a modest cost. The same is true for new parents wanting to share
pictures of their new baby, newlyweds wanting to share pictures of their
wedding, and others wanting to share significant moments in their lives.
* Most conventional processing labs will accept film for posting on the
Web, and some, including Wolf Camera Stores, will provide one-hour walk-in
* Digital camera users can upload their images to a picture network site
and order professional prints, and other photographic items on-line. This
option allows the user to manipulate the images to his or her liking, and
then order finished, professional output which is returned through the mail
or overnight courier service.
This last advantage is the basis for a picture network called PictraNet
Publish & Share
There are two compelling components of the PictraNet technology. First is
the Pictra Album, which provides the means for digital photographers to
maintain control over their images. The program contains a powerful search
engine that can be used to locate any image on the basis of user-defined
criteria. Such a capability is essential for any reasonably sized digital
archive. Second is the fee-based PictraNet Publish and Share network, which
provides virtually instant publishing of digital albums without the
expense, time or technical knowledge needed to maintain a personal Web
site. The power that these components provide is the reason why digital
camera manufacturers, such as Olympus, provide access to this technology
for their customers by bundling PictraNet software with their digital
cameras. It is a recognition that digital photography requires a different
way of thinking about how images should be stored, retrieved, viewed, and
shared. PictraNet offers a customization service so that authorized
customers of a business, members of an organization, students in a course,
or other constituencies, can access directly a branded site which has a
proprietary look and feel, and a focused set of objectives.
The picture network concept was started by PhotoNet in August, 1995. They
sell a turn-key system to photofinishers so that they can deliver
customers' images on the Web or on disk. PhotoNet has licensed their
technology to several major photofinishing labs across the country,
including Wolf Camera & Video, MotoPhoto, Mystic Color Lab, The Camera
Shop, Black's Photo, Konica, and others. By the end of 1997 they accounted
for upwards of three million images per month in digital format. At that
time, the President of PictureVision, the parent company of PhotoNet, Phil
Garfinkle, estimated that less than one percent of all of the pictures
taken worldwide are in digital format, thus predicting incredible growth
The newly designed toolbar interface makes it easy and fast to create flowcharts and other process diagrams with the click of a mouse. The Point & Type(tm) feature makes it easy to place symbols anywhere on the screen, and to type in labels. The Rapid Fire tool allows the user to type without interruption and let the program make automatic links between each idea, concept, or element.
Templates and property sheets can be customized to represent a user's working environment. The availability of a variety of templates makes it possible for users to modify an existing template for any specific type of assignment, such as process mapping or a specific creative thinking task. The publisher has identified many such uses, including affinity diagrams, block diagrams, casual loop diagrams, data flow diagrams, idea maps, interrelationship diagrams, knowledge maps, multimedia planning, organizational charts, outlines, plans, process flow diagrams, quality management diagrams, systems thinking diagrams, tree charts, and work flow diagrams.
Digital publishers will find Inspiration useful in creating diagrams for illustration purposes. Windows pictures in .BMP, .WMF and PICT2, and Macintosh pictures in PICT and PICT2 can be inserted into either the diagram or outline modes. Several useful drawing tools are provided for creating Bezier curves, 90-degree and straight links, and arrow heads.
In addition, Web publishers can export diagrams or outlines in HTML format, or can export diagrams as GIF. Other export options include Microsoft Project, Microsoft PowerPoint, and ClarisWorks.
Although users will probably find the program most useful for its ability to present information in a visual form, the outline mode provides several useful productivity features, including the capability to hide or show subtopics and notes; promote, demote, collect and move items in the outline; spell check; add up to 12 pages of notes per topic; and find and replace.
Inspiration should be considered among the essential arsenal of software tools for every digital publisher. $99
Contact: Inspiration Software, Inc., 7412 S.W. Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy., Suite 102, Portland, OR 97225-2167, 503 297-3004, 800 877-4292,, e-mail:, fax: 503 297-4676.
DenebaCAD (MAC)
DenebaCAD is jammed with features, many more than we could possibly mention, but let's try. In the area of 2D design, the user can open and work in multiple windows with an infinite number of vantage points, magnification levels and perspectives; the Snap Options let the user combine snap points, sensing their location, and guiding them in precise alignment and placement; clean-up and align 2D spline data with interactive Trim, Fillet and Chamfer tools; and organize complex projects by using Layer sets. In the area of 3D modeling the user can work in infinite space, creating a single room or a city; build and edit complex shapes; select from a library of surface materials and apply texture, gloss, transparency and finish; and choose from a large library of architectural and engineering symbols, objects, furniture, fixtures, and equipment.
Models can be rendered with realistic elements, such as lighting, shading, shadows, and the incorporation of raster images for added realism. Accurate sun studies can be produced based on any global position, date and time.
Design elements can contain both graphic and statistical information, so that job estimates can be computed automatically. Such related information may include details concerning materials, type, classification, manufacturer, model, fire rating, part number, etc. The program supports dimension precision to 16 decimal places.
The program supports a wide range of file types, for both import and export. In this and several other respects it compares quite favorably to its main competitors: MiniCad7 and AutoCAD R14. A unique feature is the capability to output a model in Stereoscopic QuickTime VR, so that a user can totally immerse themselves in the scene with the use of 3D glasses. $795
Contact: Deneba Software, 7400 SW 87th Ave., Miami, FL 33173, 305 596-5644, 800-6-CANVAS,, fax: 305 273-9069.
Professor Teaches Internet Explorer 4.0 (WIN )
Professor Teaches Netscape Communicator is a similar package for the other leading Web browser. It also includes 10 free days of Internet access, with no set-up fee, through a major Internet service provider. $19.95
Contact: Individual Software Inc., 4255 Hopyard Road, Building 2, Pleasanton, CA 94588, 510 734-6767, 800 822-3522,, fax: 510 734-8337.
READ-IT! O.C.R. for Macintosh 6.0 (MAC)
The program has many high-end features which distinguish it from others on the market. Among them are: the capability to link areas of processed text to URLs and save the files in HTML so that the pages can be published on the Web quickly and easily, all in a single step; a Label and Business Card Reader that can recognize labels and business cards and properly format the text; an intelligent OCR 100,000+ word dictionary; interactive pop-up word verification; a full-featured word processor; ReadASAP!, which is a drag and drop OCR utility...drag a file on the icon and have it automatically converted to editable text; retention of page formatting; a built-in image editor to clean up poor scans; the capability to save OCR job settings (templates, dictionaries and languages) for quick retrieval and job set-up; sophisticated job batching mode along with AppleScript support, for the most flexibility in handling long jobs; an optimized PowerPC native engine which provides recognition speed of only a few seconds per page; Auto-Deskew to automatically straighten pages which are misfed; and Auto detection of tables and lists. $495
Contact: Olduvai Corp., 9200 S. Dadeland Blvd., Suite 525, Miami, FL 33156, 305 670-1112, Internet:, e-mail:,, fax: 305 670-1992.
Desktop Interactive Learning Publishing Series (MAC/WIN)
The series includes Scanning and Color Correction in Adobe Photoshop ($99.95), Print Preparation in Adobe PageMaker ($79.95), Print Preparation and Trapping in Adobe Illustrator ($99.95), and Print Preparation in QuarkXPress ($79.95). Titles are available in training suites, with three titles for $159.95, four titles for $189.95, and five titles for $219.95. All titles are currently available in Macintosh format, only the PageMaker disc is currently available for Windows.
The strength of the series is that it was produced with content developed by service bureau managers who are familiar with the problems inherent in electronic prepress. It contains the body of information that skilled practitioners in the field need to have in order to do their jobs effectively and help their companies compete successfully. A free demo disc is available through on-line ordering at
Speed Doubler 8 (MAC)
RAM Doubler 2 (MAC)
ResumeMaker Deluxe (MAC/WIN)
The ResumeMaker Online Web site provides instant access to the top 27 online job banks, providing hundreds of thousands of employment opportunities. Searches can be defined by job title, geographic area and salary range. The program also links to the classified employment sections of dozens of major newspapers across the country. The program can automatically convert resumes and letters to fax, e-mail and other electronic formats. Web browser applications, an e-mail client, and a free 30-day trial subscription to Mindspring's Internet access service are also provided.
Among the arsenal of career planning tools are Guided Resumes, with over a dozen customizable templates; Guided Letters (with boilerplate paragraphs), for the preparation of cover, thank you, and other job-related letters; Virtual Interview, a simulated video interview covering more than 50 of the most commonly asked questions, with demonstrations of how best to respond; Contact Manager and Activity Tracker, to maintain leads and Contact information; Career Planner, to create a personal profile of skills and abilities (not in the Macintosh version); and Expert Advice, an interactive video-based workshop providing advice on "How to Get the Job You Want." $39.95
Contact: Individual Software Inc., 4255 Hopyard Road, Building 2, Pleasanton, CA 94588, 510 734-6767, 800 822-3522,, fax: 510 734-8337.
Corel WordPerfect for Macintosh Enhancement Pack (MAC)
Some of the new productivity features of WordPerfect are: Spell-AS-You-Go (TM), which marks misspelled words and typos with easy to see unobtrusive indicators enabling users to write freely and correct errors selectively when finished; OrgChart Builder, to build simple-to-sophisticated organization charts and then drag and drop them into WordPerfect; Outlining Button Bar to collapse, expand, fold, promote, and demote topics; SpeedStyles (TM) to apply multiple font attributes to selected text; and much more. $249
Contact: Corel, 1600 Carling Ave., Ottawa, ON Canada K1Z 8R7, 613 728-8200, 800 722-6735,, e-mail:, fax: 613 761-9176.
QuicKeys 3.5.2 (MAC)
QuicKeys can be used to batch process procedures in any program. The user records the required set of actions once, and then applies them to target files. QuicKeys sequences can be assigned to keystrokes, mouse clicks, or both using the floating shortcut palettes. Palettes can be created for any application, thereby extending the ease by which any program can be used. Trainers can program in procedures to make it easier and faster for new users to get up to speed.
Making a QuicKeys sequence is easy. The sequence is recorded using a VCR-style control panel. After a sequence is recorded it can be edited and then reused indefinitely.
If you use a Macintosh and you are not familiar with this program, you should be. $119
Contact: CE Software, 1801 Industrial Circle, POB 65580, West Des Moines, IA 50265, 515 221-1801, 800 523-7638,, e-mail:, fax: 515 221-2694.
Extensis QX-Effects 3.0 (MAC)
BeyondPress 3.0 (MAC/WIN)
Not only can new pages be created for Web publishing, but existing pages can be converted easily. Graphics and photos can be converted to GIF and JPEG formats, and color palettes can be created for individual images, or groups of images.
BeyondPress produces standard HTML, and not all Web authoring tools do. This means that its Web pages can be processed by HTML editors, such as Adobe PageMill and Claris Home Page, further extending the versatility of BeyondPress pages.
Time-limited evaluation copies are available at the Web site. $495
Contact: Astrobyte, 625 East 16th Ave., Suite 200, Denver, CO 80203, 303 861-4861,, fax: 303 861-4876.
Extensis PhotoTools 2.0 (MAC/WIN)
PhotoDisc The Signature Series 18 Technology Perspectives (MAC/WIN)
Background Series 9: Electric Skews (MAC/WIN)
City Families/Communities (MAC/WIN)
The Communities disc contains 60 images at 300 dpi of people involved in community events, such as baseball games, concerts, shopping and playing. The images are produced in watercolor, and have a delicate, soft feel. The artist has produced work for Nissan, Sony Music, Sega, and Fox TV. The City Families disc also contains 60 images at 300 dpi. Also in watercolor, the images depict the daily activities of three young families. The artists have illustrated over 50 children's books in the U.S., England, and Brazil.
About Artville: Artville was founded in 1996 by Miles Gerstein, the president of Publisher's Toolbox. It licenses, rather than purchases artists' work. Artists and photographers enter into a five-year agreement that gives Artville two years exclusive use of their images. Artists always retain ownership of their work.
MasterClips 202,000 (00)
Business Icons & Ideas (MAC/WIN)
The Natural World contains 100 royalty-free images, each in five resolutions (96K, 128x192; 384K 256x384; 1.5MB, 512x768; 6MB, 1024x1536; 24MB, 2048x3072). The images include flowers, trees, insects, birds, animals, rock formations, sunsets, bodies of water, and more. $249
Characters & Occupations contains 100 royalty-free images, each in two resolutions (1-2MB, 900 pixels on the long side; 15-24MB, 3000 pixels on the long side). Each image includes a hand-drawn clipping path which makes it easy to add an image to a collage or layered design. Digital Stock uses an exclusive process called Edge Magic, to ensure that images have accurate paths and neutral density backgrounds. The collection includes a wide range of people, including a guitarist, drummer, rock musician, singer, magician, clown, teacher, doctor, graduate, salesman, construction worker, engineer, miner, sailor, cowboy, actor, and more. Some images include both male and female versions, and some include several poses. Titles in the Objects Collection, of which this title is one, also include the Extensis PhotoCastShadow, which provides interactive creation of 3D shadow effects using Adobe Photoshop. $199
The easiest way to become familiar with the Digital Stock library, now consisting of over 85 CD-ROM titles, is by visiting the Web site. There the visitor will find thousands of preview images (not thumbnails), an easy-to-use search facility, special prices and free next-day delivery (in the U.S.), and five free screen-res images. Single images are also available for purchase and download on the Web.
Contact: Digital Stock Corp., 750 Second St., Encinitas, CA 92024, 760 634-6500, 800 545-4514,, e-mail:, fax: 619 794-4041.
Pronunciation Power (MAC/WIN) (WIN )
LearnIT Windows NT 4.0 Interactive Training (WIN )
PageMaker 6.5 Techniques (MAC/WIN)
Like all CDs in the VTC series, this one is clear and well-produced. Details are available at $49.95
Contact: VTC, 2328E Walsh Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95051, 408 492-1051, 888-TRAIN-CD,, email:
Drag and File 4.0 (WIN )
Freeway 1.0 (MAC)
Freeway is differentiated from other Web page authoring programs in several ways. First, and foremost, it is a freeform design tool, not limited to the usual placement restrictions imposed by HTML. As such, a new user can become productive very quickly, especially if they have had experience with DTP applications. Second, designers, and others, are freed from learning and dealing with HTML. Even those who are proficient with HTML will appreciate the freedom that this program provides. Third, the program produces standard HTML code which can be opened in other HTML-based programs. This extends the power of the program by allowing the user to add Web page features which Freeway doesn't yet support. Fourth, although this is only version 1.0 of the program, it has expert features, such as Meta tags and adding code for JavaScript and custom HTML.
Freeway does things that other programs can't, with pixel accuracy, such as positioning content in overlapping frames, setting text on a graphic, setting text on text, setting graphic on graphic, and setting text on an animated GIF. It produces HTML tables to recreate the exact layout on the Web page, and the Freeway files can be edited to refine and edit as necessary. HTML files produced in other programs can not be opened.
Fine typographic effects, using any typeface, can be achieved for any text box. Although text can be marked for conversion to anti-aliased GIF bitmaps it remains editable at all times. In addition, text can be imported into frames in a process similar to that in QuarkXPress and PageMaker, which not only simplifies the process of building pages, but makes it a familiar procedure.
Freeway also accepts a wide variety of graphic file formats, including TIFF, EPS, PICT, BMP, JPEG, and GIF, which are automatically down-sampled and converted to the correct file export format (GIF or JPEG). The images are also indexed to a Web-safe color palette if necessary. This process eliminates a long manual process that may require a level of expert knowledge.
Like a DTP application, Freeway uses multiple Master pages for repeating page elements such as layout components, navigation bars, page backgrounds and graphic elements. This feature, in addition to the capability to define grids and guides, makes it quick and easy to create, and to update, an entire Web site. In addition Style Sheets can be used to apply typographic settings quickly and easily.
Freeway has several other important features, and although it lacks some of the tools that would make it more useful, such as HTML frames, and the ability to import HTML code from other sources. A 30-day trial version is available on the SoftPress Web site. $299
Contact: SoftPress Systems Ltd., 8 Blenheim Office Park, Lower Road, Long Hanborough, Oxon OX8 8LN, UK, +44 (0) 1993 882588, ,e-mail:, fax: +44 (0) 1993 883970.
Screen captures can be saved to a default catalog, or saved in a new catalog created specifically for a given project. Items in a catalog can be sorted, renamed, deleted, copied, or moved. Catalog contents are displayed as thumbnail images; double-clicking the image provides the full-size file. Viewer commands for text capture files include font selection, word wrap, and basic text editing. The Text Capture function converts text blocks displayed by Windows into editable text, even where Cut and Paste is not available. Bitmapped images (saved in BMP, PCX, JPEG, TIF, or GIF file formats) may be cropped, saved as a file, or sent to the printer, clipboard, or used as e-mail attachments. AVI files amy be viewed as a video clip or frame-by-frame. $39.95
Contact: TechSmith Corp., 3001 Coolidge Road, Suite 400, East Lansing, MI 48823, 517 333-2100,, ftp:, e-mail:, fax: 517 333-1888.
PhotoMate (MAC/WIN)
DiskMapper Version 2 (WIN )
QuickView Plus (WIN )
ZipMagic (WIN )
Videobrush Panorama (WIN )
Contact: VideoBrush Corp., POB 1227, Carpinteria, CA 93014-1227, 805 566-0030,, e-mail:, fax: 805 566-0084.
FreeSpace (WIN )
DeltaVideo (MAC)
The program does not capture continuous video, only frames in which motion has been detected. The user can set an audio notification to alert that motion has been recorded. The program can also be configured to record a stream of video for a specified duration even after the motion has stopped. As each frame of video is captured it is displayed in a Recent Frame Display, showing thumbnails of each frame. With a single click, any of the thumbnails can be expanded to full size. In addition, the user can elect to display a window with live video.
The program provides several options for how the motion will be detected. This includes a sensitivity setting (which can be changed in real-time), and the capability to define only a small area of the motion field in which to monitor changes. Each captured frame can be stamped with the date, time, and an arrow showing where the change was detected. The user has several options regarding the characteristics of the capture frames, including sizes up to 2560 x 1920. Each capture series can be saved as individual frames, or as a QuickTime movie. In addition, using the free DeltaVideo Reader, users can view and edit capture files, as well as share them with colleagues.
Capture sessions can also be printed, or exported as PICT, or as Contact sheets, showing the progression of motion in a series of frames. Files can be saved automatically to disk, and can be documented in text log files which are saved in tab-delimited format.
DeltaVideo is available in two versions, a limited edition for $19, and the full package for $99. A comparison chart of the two editions can be found at
Contact: Channel D Corp., Red Bank, NJ, 732 933-9388,, e-mail:, fax: 732 933-9389.
WinBatch+Compiler (WIN )
Ixla Digital Camera Suite (WIN )
Ixla Explorer (WIN )
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia 1998 (MAC/WIN)
Starry Night Deluxe (MAC/WIN)
The program presents views of the solar system that are not available through any telescope. In essence it provides the capability to view the sky from any place, at any time. Among its most interesting features are: a database of 19 million celestial objects; photographic renderings of all 110 Messier objects; ability to add newly discovered orbiting objects; a free plug-in for controlling an LX-200 telescope; the capability to make QuickTime movies for use on a Web site or multimedia presentation; and track planetary movements over the course of 14,700 years. $89.95
Contact: Sienna Software, Inc., 538-366 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, ON, Canada M5A 3X9, 416 410-0259, 800 252-5417,, e-mail:, fax: 416 410-0359.
Street Atlas USA 5.0 (WIN )
Interscapes (MAC/WIN)
Nodester (MAC)
Nodester (rhymes with "roadster") provides a step-by-step series of screens which prompt the user for the input that the program needs in order to build the QTVR movie. The initial input specifies details about the source files and the characteristics of the resulting panorama. The second screen, the Frames panel, provides a layout view for the composition of the individual images around compass settings, in degrees. The images can be imported either in single or multiple mode, filling the blank frames around the compass. The third screen, the Correlate panel, is used to establish how much information is needed from adjacent images in order to produce a seamless match. The fourth screen, the Panorama panel, is used to render the images into a seamless panoramic image, although at this point it is still not a QTVR movie. At this point the user can use the Hot Spot Editor to add hot spots which can be clicked on to link to another QTVR movie, a photo, artwork, or a Web page. The next screen, the Compose panel is used to actually produce the QTVR movie. It is followed by the last screen, the Playback panel, which is used to preview the completed panorama. At this point the completed movie can be saved to disk as a QuickTime VR file. $169
Contact: Panimation, Inc., 151 East Welbourne Ave., Winter Park, FL 32789, 407 599-9697,, e-mail:, fax: 407 599-9971.
PhotoVista (MAC/WIN)
The program uses LivePicture's exclusive RealSpace Technology to produce a file that is optimized for Web delivery. The files are compact (100K or less) and can be placed directly into HTML documents. In addition, the user can enhance the panoramas by adding hotspots to other digital content, or incorporate 3D objects, animation, audio, and video. $79
Contact: Live Picture, 5617 Scotts Valley Drive, Suite 180, Scotts Valley, CA 95066, 408 430-4315,, fax: 408 438-9604.
MGI VideoWave (WIN )
B&L also provides these recommendations for computer eye care:
Contact: Bausch & Lomb Inc., Rochester, NY,, 800 553-5340.
Digital Roadmaps (ALL)
Easy Language: 17 Language Edition (MAC/WIN)
Available for on-line ordering at
Official Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory
Available for on-line ordering at
Adobe Classroom in a Book: Adobe FrameMaker 5.5
Available for on-line ordering at
Visual QuickStart Guide: NetObjects Fusion 2 for Windows & Macintosh
Available for on-line ordering at
Apple: The Inside Story of Intrigue, Egomania, and Business Blunders
Available for on-line ordering at
Web Channel Development for Dummies
Available for on-line ordering at
Corel WebMaster Suite for Dummies
Available for on-line ordering at
Dynamic HTML for Dummies
Available for on-line ordering at
Shockwave for Dummies
Available for on-line ordering at
GUI Design for Dummies
Available for on-line ordering at
Macromedia Director 6 for Dummies
Available for on-line ordering at
Push Technology for Dummies
Available for on-line ordering at
Internet Directory for Dummies
Available for on-line ordering at
Software Project Survival Guide
Available for on-line ordering at
Inside Dynamic HTML
Available for on-line ordering at
Quick Course in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4
Available for on-line ordering at
Official Microsoft Bookshelf Internet Directory
Available for on-line ordering at
Introducing Microsoft Windows 98
Available for on-line ordering at
Visual QuickStart Guide: JavaScript for the World Wide Web
Available for on-line ordering at
Flash! Creative Web Animation
Available for on-line ordering at
Photoshop 4 Wow! Book, Macintosh Edition, The
Available for on-line ordering at
Harley Hahn's Internet & Web Yellow Pages
Available for on-line ordering at
Internet in a Nutshell
Available for on-line ordering at
BMUG Fall 1996 Newsletter Bundle
Available for on-line ordering at
If you use a Mac and you're on the Internet, give NetBots a try:
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134 Caversham Woods
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Productivity Reviews
Inspiration 5.0 Professional Edition (MAC/WIN)
Expressing thoughts and ideas in a visual form is considerably easier with the introduction of Inspiration 5.0 Professional Edition, the latest version of the popular visual thinking tool. Inspiration is an easy-to-use drawing program that promotes the rapid expression of ideas and information in a visual and highly manipulative manner. The Diagram view presents a visualization of a process, plan, series of events, or even the pages of a Web site. Each element can be formatted in a variety of ways, with resizable symbols (over 500 from the dozens of symbol libraries), represented in any font, color, shape, pattern, or line weight. Links are drawn between symbols to show how they relate to one another, and the links remain active even when symbols are moved or resized. Relationships can be changed easily, as can any of the assigned appearance attributes. The user can switch between the diagram and outline views to show the process either in a visual or textual form.
DenebaCAD is the world's newest CAD program, incorporating many innovative features, and producing 2D-drafting, interactive 3D-modeling, and rapid photo-realistic scene rendering. It is created around Deneba's exclusive Design Oriented Tool (DOT) technology that provides speed, power and flexibility. DOT provides a small set of tools that interact with one another and are usable in the both the program's 2D and 3D environments. The smaller tool set provides sophisticated capabilities without the complexity associated with most comprehensive CAD programs.
Professor Teaches Internet Explorer 4.0 consists of eight interactive lessons covering over 200 features, functions, capabilities and the terminology related to Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0. The multimedia program provides a simulated version of the browser, with narration, video and graphics. Specific learning activities include: What is the Internet?; Introducing Internet Explorer; The World Wide Web; Downloading and Saving Information; Working with E-mail; Usenet Newsgroups; Searching the Internet; and Web Extras. The CD is rated among the Top 100 CD-ROMs of 1997, and includes a full version of Internet Explorer 4.0. $19.95
READ-IT! O.C.R. for Macintosh 6.0 works with any Macintosh-compatible scanner to produce nearly 100% accuracy in converting omnifont printed pages into editable, computer manipulable text. This new version is 30% more accurate than the last, and is "trainable" so that the user can teach the software how to reliably recognize special characters.
The Desktop Interactive Learning Publishing Series consists of several titles providing in-depth technical training in a variety of areas related to digital image preparation for printing. The CDs each consist of background concepts and tutorials, both composed of multimedia elements. The user is presented with up to eight hours of technical information on each disc, provided as text, animation, narration, and movies. Quizzes are included as means of confirming that the necessary information has been learned. An on-line glossary provides immediate reference to technical terminology.
Speed Doubler 8 is a system utility for Macintosh OS 7 and 8 which increases the speed of Macintosh operations in three areas: file copying, disk performance, and the emulation of non-PowerPC native software on the Power Macintosh. It also provides for automatic file back-up and the synchonization of folders. HotKeys can be programmed to perform many operations (opening files, typing text, navigating menus, launching applications, etc.) with a single keystroke. $99
Contact: Connectix, 2655 Campus Dr., San Mateo, CA 94403, 800 950-5880, 415 571-5100, Internet:,, faxback: 800 571-7558, fax: 415 571-5195.
RAM Doubler 2 extends the memory of a Macintosh or Power Macintosh computer to double or even triple its physical size. The user simply installs it and forgets about is available each time the computer is started. The RAM Doubler control panel lets the user set the amount of virtual RAM increase, and dynamically monitor applications and system memory use. $99
Contact: Connectix, 2655 Campus Dr., San Mateo, CA 94403, 800 950-5880, 415 571-5100, Internet:,, faxback: 800 571-7558, fax: 415 571-5195.
ResumeMaker Deluxe is one of the best investments that a job seeker can make. It consists of a complete suite of job search tools, and now not only helps to compose a professional resume, but assists the user in posting their resume at major online career sites on the Internet, and in searching the Web for online -posted job listings. The advantage of posting a resume online is that it provides wide exposure, and allows potential employers to find the job seeker, rather than vice versa.
Corel WordPerfect for Macintosh Enhancement Pack includes WordPerfect 3.5 enhanced, with new functionality, improved performance, and interface changes for Mac OS 8. It also includes Corel OrgChart Builder; the Corel Multimedia Browser for PowerPC; Language Tools for 18 different languages; over 1000 Bitstream TrueType fonts; Clipart, photos, textures, and Web art collections; macros; and improved electronic documentation and help.
QuicKeys 3.5.2 is the PowerPC native version of this popular productivity tool. The program automates repetitive, routinely performed, multi-step tasks, without the need for programming, scripts, or coding. The program has been a traditional favorite among digital publishers of all kinds, since it saves time and effort, and reduces errors. For that reason, the latest version of the program includes predefined automation sequences of 14 commonly used MacOS applications, including QuarkXPress, Photoshop, Freehand, and others. The company has also announced its intent to support an exchange area on its Web site where users can freely upload and download automated procedures.
Addition / Extension Reviews
Interactive Workshop (MAC/WIN)
Interactive Workshop (originally named Instant Interfaces) is a productivity tool for Macromedia Director users which can help to create complete programs in Director without the need to know Lingo scripting. The program is a completely freeform interface design application that can be used to produce fully-functional interface screens, and combine them into complete programs of any size, all without coding. The program includes over 700 interface objects, and the user can easily import any PICT, QuickTime or AIFF objects from any source. The program's Tool Palette lets the user select the type of object to be included on the interface screen, assign a behavior to it, and move it into position on the Stage Screen. Creative professionals do not have to use Director's score, or the Lingo language. $179.95
Contact: IMS, Interactive Media Services, Inc., Multi-Media Publishing, Inc., 13N348 Chisholm Trail, Elgin, IL 60123, 847 697-0990, e-mail:, fax: 847 741-9937.
Extensis QX-Effects 3.0 is an essential productivity enhancement for QuarkXPress users. It provides the application of five different graphic effects to type, graphics and objects, such as lines and boxes. In addition to supporting drop shadows, glows, bevels and embosses, the program provides the first 3-D cast shadow generator available for QXP. Like all Extensis products, this one is easy-to-use, yet flexible and powerful. The program uses the Effects Guide, to assist users in the creation of effects. The Effects Guide uses a step-by-step interactive process that allows users to preview and create the needed effect. It provides several settings and options for each effect, and allows the user to save settings so that they can be applied again at any time. Not only do the effects produce professional results, but eliminate the need to leave QXP, open other programs, and then import the results. $129.95
Contact: Extensis Corp., 1800 S.W. First Ave., Suite 500, Portland, OR 97201, 800 796-9798,, fax: 503 274-0530.
BeyondPress 3.0 is a sophisticated Web authoring XTension for QuarkXPress. Building a Web authoring tool into the most widely used professional page layout program was a stroke of genius. The program supports the creation of complex Web pages using QuarkXPress tools, and converts pages into properly formatted HTML, retaining the fonts, sizes, and paragraph spacing. It does so with the use of Cascading Style Sheets and Bitstream's TrueDoc font technology. The approximate layout of the QXP page is translated using HTML tables. The program supports the drag and drop placement of QuickTime movies, Java applets, RealAudio, Shockwave, and animated GIFs.
Extensis PhotoTools 2.0 is the second generation Photoshop plug-in that extends the power and flexibility of this essential program. It both improves on tools from the original version and adds new tools, making it a must-have addition to Photoshop. Among the new and improved tools are: PhotoButton, to quickly produce professionally-rendered buttons for Web page design and navigation, from 16 predefined, editable shapes, with control over shape, color and lighting; PhotoCastShadow, to produce quick shadows with interactive skewing, blur, opacity and perspective; PhotoText, with WYSIWYG text-editing controlling font, size, color, style, tracking, kerning, character width, all of which can be saved in user-defined style sheets; PhotoEffects, including bevel, glow, and emboss, with real-time interactive previews, multiple undo/redo, and background processing; and PhotoBars, providing instant access to any Photoshop menu item. $129.95
Contact: Extensis Corp., 1800 S.W. First Ave., Suite 500, Portland, OR 97201, 800 796-9798,, fax: 503 274-0530.
Printing Reviews
Custom Video Labels & Covers (WIN )
Custom Video Labels & Covers is a program that provides videographers with the capability to create personalized labels and covers for videotapes using a color inkjet printer. The program includes 44 premade designs and more than 250 additional resizable clipart graphics. Digital photos, images, and logos can also be imported from other sources. A unique 3D workspace allows users to rotate a virtual videotape in any direction at varying speeds to better customize each side of the video cover. $9.99
Contact: DogByte Development, 612 Moulton Ave., Suite 7, Los Angeles, CA 90031, 800 936-4298,, fax: 213 221-0588.
Image Collection Reviews
Media Graphics International Collections (WIN )
Media Graphics International has released an 18 volume line of digital publishing CD-ROMs for under $5 each. This collection, consisting of clipart, photos, fonts, sound effects, and more, introduces a new floor to the CD-ROM market. It would not seem possible to provide more value for the price when they are selling, for example, a disc with 10,000 media elements (2000 royalty-free, full-color photos; 8000 clipart images, from over 100 volumes; and 500 sound effects) and a free copy of Page Express Lite for $4.99. Other $4.99 titles include: 2000 Sound Effects, 500 Fonts, Photo Gallery 5000, and 40 Holidays and Special Occasions (with over 4000 clipart images). $4.99
Contact: Media Graphics International, 8175-A Sheridan Blvd., Suite #355, Arvada, CO 80003, 303 427-8808, 800 598-2037, fax: 303 427-7833.
PhotoDisc The Signature Series 18 Technology Perspectives consists of 100 images, with the largest image size equal to 28.5MB, which would fill a full page at 150-200 lpi. Images cover technology-related subjects such as circuits, wires, cables, disks, switches, gears, monitors, keyboards, measuring instruments, medical and scientific apparatus, and more. The collection includes an image browsing/searching software. $249
Contact: PhotoDisc, Inc., 2013 Fourth Ave., Seattle, WA 98121, 206 441-9355, 800 528-3472,, email:, fax: 206 441-4961.
Background Series 9: Electric Skews contains 100 images in each of three resolutions (28MB JPEG, 10MB JPEG, and 600K TIFF). The images are highly stylized, with bright, vibrant colors, and include photographic effects to intensify and accentuate the picture content. Images include candles, keyboards, seashells, paperclips, flowers, lipsticks, wires and cables, plants, a skeleton, and a mix of other items. $149
Contact: PhotoDisc, Inc., 2013 Fourth Ave., Seattle, WA 98121, 206 441-9355, 800 528-3472,, email:, fax: 206 441-4961.
City Families, by Denise & Fernando ($229.95), and Communities, by Hiroko Sanders ($289.95), are two of the latest editions of royalty-free art on CD-ROM from Artville. Artville has established itself as the largest international publisher of royalty-free illustration, commissions and art. It deals with individual artists, publishing volumes that feature 60-100 images based on a single theme, created by a single artist. Each CD includes the Kudo image browser, with a fully keyworded catalog. The images are produced using high-end drum scanning, with precise color correction, and are provided in multiple resolutions. A full-color insert shows all of the images contained on a given disc.
Contact: Artville, 2310 Darwin Road, Madison, WI 53704, 608 243-1215,, email:, fax: 608 243-1174.
MasterClips 202,000 is the largest and most comprehensive premium image collection yet released by any publisher. It contains an overwhelming number and variety of images for virtually any use. Among its contents are 87,700 vector art images, 47,000 classic art images from the Dover Collection, 318 CAD symbols, 2000 TrueType fonts, 50,000 photos, 8600 professional images, 41,000 photo clips, 400 photo objects, 9433 NASA photos, 6296 borders (vector), 18,100 pieces of Web art, and more. All of this for an estimated street price of $59.95.
Business Icons & Ideas, part of the Master Collection, is a two volume set of royalty-free images related to office functions and activities. Each of the CDs contains 50 images, each in three resolutions (1MB, 480x720; 12MB, 1700x2550; and 32MB, 2800x4200). Images are drum-scanned on a Linotype-Hell scanner and stored in RGB format, maximum quality JPEG TIFF. Digital Stock provides free comp images, either from their Catalog Disc ($9.95), or from the Web site. $349
CD-ROM Reviews
Graphics Essentials (MAC)
Graphics Essentials is a compilation of clipart, sound and font collections that were previously published as individual titles. This collected work consists of ArtFonts (21 fonts), CoolFonts (12 fonts), BrushFonts (10 fonts), ArtSymbol (1 font), ClipKeys (2 fonts), ArtClips (hundreds of EPS images), Color Art (300+ images), and SoundClips (hundreds of sounds). $149
Contact: Olduvai Corp., 9200 S. Dadeland Blvd., Suite 525, Miami, FL 33156, 305 670-1112, Internet:, e-mail:,, fax: 305 670-1992.
Pronunciation Power is an interactive CD-ROM for intermediate to advanced English language learners. It provides numerous exercises for practice using visual and auditory feedback. Each of the 52 English sounds is supported by three main components. First there are the animated, graphic side view of how the sound is made and a front view of the required lip movement. Second is the speech analysis, an innovative wave form that allows the student to compare their sound formation with that of the instructor. And third are the exercises consisting of 780 practice words, 1040 comparative words, 520 different sentences, and 650 listening discrimination sentences. All in all there are over 20 hours of instruction and unlimited hours of interactive use. US funds: $83.95 + $5.95 shipping and handling.
Contact: English Computerized Learning Inc., 888 Terrace Plaza, 4445 Calgary Trail South, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6H 5R7, 403 448-1032,, e-mail:, fax: 403 448-1895. is a four CD-ROM set of programs from the premiere Internet site for shareware and demo software. The site gets over two millions hits per day. the CDs contain the same interface as the Web site. $35
Contact: InfoMagic, 11950 N. Highway 89, Flagstaff, AZ 86004, 520 526-9565, 800 800-6613,, e-mail:, fax: 520 526-9573.
LearnIT Windows NT 4.0 Interactive Training is a 6.5 hour training course covering the use and operation of Microsoft Windows NT 4.0. The program, provided on CD-ROM, includes a Windows NT simulation screen in which the user performs common Windows NT tasks following step-by-step instructions. The Contents Window shows a complete list of all topics, and completed sections are checked off. Although the program includes audio training, with two-person narration, it also provides text-based training, for those without a sound board, or hearing-impaired learners. $99.95
Contact: LearnIT Corp., 2233 NW 41st St., Suite 200, Gainesville, FL 32606, 352 375-6655, 800 352-4806,, e-mail:, fax: 800 594-8436.
PageMaker 6.5 Techniques provides eight and a half hours of QuickTime movies with voice-over narration covering the effective application of PageMaker in actual production. It covers the generation of documents for both print and Web publishing, and provides a good overview of the program's complete feature set.
Internet Reviews
Gearbox for Macintosh (MAC)
Gearbox for Macintosh is a utility for connecting to the Internet, providing a means of managing multiple configurations, monitoring connection status, and diagnosing problems. Mobile users have the flexibility of connecting easily from various locations or connection types. Multiple users on the same computer can keep separate Web browser bookmarks, e-mail address books and mailboxes, and application Preferences. The program is a follow-up to the successful and useful FreePPP, the de facto standard utility. $39.95
Contact: Rockstar Studios, Inc., 524A Union St., San Francisco, CA 941333, 415 242-1984,, e-mail:, fax: 415 263-3144.
Drag and File 4.0 makes File Transfer Protocol an integrated part of the Windows File Manager. The program is a complete FTP implementation supportingan FTP session in a second window and drag-and-drop convenience between the local and remote drives. It also includes advanced features such as the auto resumption of interrupted downloads, modification of file access permissions, creation and deletion of directories, conversion of file extensions, and more. $35
Contact: Canyon Software, 1537 Fourth St., Suite 131, San Rafael, CA 94901, 415 453-9779, 800 280-3691,, fax: 415 453-6195.
Freeway 1.0 is the first Web page creation tool that has been created for graphic designers. It provides a new level of free expression, functioning in many ways like a familiar desktop publishing program. As such it has a WYSIWYG user interface that resembles a DTP program pasteboard, a rich set of typographic and page layout controls also reminiscent of the DTP environment, and an extensive set of Web site production tools that shields the user from HTML coding. Users import text and graphics into frames which can be moved, rotated or skewed.
CD-ROM Reviews
SnagIt (WIN )
SnagIt 4.1 is an all-purpose screen capture program, snagging a whole screen, a region, or a menu. Captures can be scheduled at set intervals and stamped with the time and date. This new version includes a catalog browser for managing the program's image, text, and video captures. It also adds image cropping, text formatting, AVI frame extraction, and menu and fixed region captures. Screen activity, including mouse movements, can be captured as an AVI file, with automatic compression and frame rate set by the program. A unique feature is the program's capability to capture what can't be seen in scrolling windows...all in one step.
PhotoMate is an easy-to-use program for modifying, enhancing and improving the quality of digital photos. It was devised to work with photos captured with Connectix's QuickCam, but works with photos in PICT, TIFF, BMP or JPEG file formats. After photos have been edited and corrected they can be used in multimedia slide shows or added to newsletters, projects, Web pages, or as component of Connectix QuickCards Limited (included). $99
Contact: Connectix, 2655 Campus Dr., San Mateo, CA 94403, 800 950-5880, 415 571-5100, Internet:,, faxback: 800 571-7558, fax: 415 571-5195.
DiskMapper Version 2 is a graphical hard disk space-saving utility. The program can help users clear disk space, manage files, and see how much space files consume. It provides several ways for a user to free-up disk space. The program can find and graphically display duplicate files, and list file extensions in order of the space that they consume on the drive. It also includes an advisor that can help to determine if a selected file can be deleted. The user can also elect to view only files exceeding a specfied size in order to focus on clearing large files. $49.95
Contact: Micro Logic, 89 Leuning St., So. Hackensack, NJ 07606, 201 342-6518, WWW:; e-mail:, fax: 201 342-0370.
QuickView Plus is a utility that provides the capability to view, copy, and print almost any file or e-mail attachment, regardless if the user has the originating application or not. The program supports over 200 Windows, DOS, Macintosh and Internet file types, displaying the file in its original formatting; with fonts, styles, columns, tables, headers, footers, pages numbers, footnotes, embedded graphics, and OLE objects. The opened document remains searchable, and all or part of the file can be copied and pasted to create a new one. $49.95
Contact: Inso Corporation, 31 St. James Ave., Boston, MA 02116, 617 753-6500,, fax: 617 753-6666.
ZipMagic is a utility that supports the use of zip files without the need to unzip them. Users can run, use, view, access, and display the contents of a compressed zip file without uncompressing it first. The program uses ZipFolders, a technology that safely and transparently converts zip files into Windows folders. The program also includes Internet EasyUpdate which seamlessly updates the installed copy of ZipMagic to the latest maintenance release. It can also process files in ARJ, GZIP, LHA/LZH, TAR, Z CAB, ZOO, BinHex, UUencoded, XXencoded, and MIME formats. $39.95
Contact: Mijenix Corporation, 6666 Odana Road, Suite 122, Madison, WI 53719, 608 277-1981, 800-MIJENIX,, e-mail:, fax: 608 277-1971.
Videobrush Panorama can create a fully stitched 360 degree image from digital camera or video input. The resulting image can be saved as JPEG or BMP files as well as .PAN for Infinite Pictures SmoothMove, and .IVR for Live Picture RealSpace. Both the SmoothMove and RealSpace viewers are bundled with the software. Panoramas can also be saved to videotape. $39.95
FreeSpace is a disk optimization utility that lets the user selectively compress files as well as optimize space through "cluster optimization." These two methods produce a space savings that averages 150% more free space for each file that is compressed. File sizes are reduced from 40% to 98%, providing from 66% to 4,900% more free space per file. The compressed files and programs are fully usable without any extra steps and no noticeable difference in operation. Files that have been FreeSpaced are automatically uncompressed when transferred to others through email, a network, or on removable media. $49.95
Contact: Mijenix Corporation, 6666 Odana Road, Suite 122, Madison, WI 53719, 608 277-1981, 800-MIJENIX,, e-mail:, fax: 608 277-1971.
DeltaVideo is a clever motion detection and tracking application that uses a QuickTime-compatible video input source to record activity in a given field of vision. The program can be used for a wide variety of purposes, from security to scientific investigation.
WinBatch+Compiler is an easy way to automate repetitive Windows operations and then compile executable programs (.exe) and deploy them, royalty-free. The program uses the Windows Interface Language (WIL) which is a fully-featured programming language supporting over 400 functions. Examples of common business solutions are one button access to connecting to a server, running an application, retrieving information, cutting and pasting information from one application to another, etc. An evaluation copy is available on the Web site. $495
Contact: Wilson WindowWare, Inc., 2701 California Ave., SW, Suite 212, Seattle, WA 98116, 206 938-1740, 800 762-8383,, e-mail:, fax: 206 935-7129.
Ixla Digital Camera Suite supports the direct importation of digital images from over 40 popular digital cameras, as well as support for others using TWAIN. The step-by-step Import Assistant helps transform photos into presentations, through three steps: connecting the digital camera to a computer, downloading the photos from the camera, and organizing the photos into catalogs. A unique feature of the program is the capability to store images back into the digital camera to create a portable presentation which can be displayed on a client's television (assuming that the camera has a video-out port). $49
Contact: ISR USA Inc., 17 Jansen St., Danbury, CT 06810, 203 730-8805,, Internet:, fax: 203 730-8802.
Ixla Explorer is an image browser that supports locating, cataloging, and converting photos, clipart, video and audio files. It supports all popular image file formats and can work with all other Windows 95 applications, including PageMaker, QuarkXPress, Photoshop, Corel, and others. It supports rename, cut, copy, paste, delete and drag-and-drop. $19
Contact: ISR USA Inc., 17 Jansen St., Danbury, CT 06810, 203 730-8805,, Internet:, fax: 203 730-8802.
Multimedia Reviews
Slides & Sound Plus (MAC/WIN)
Slides & Sound Plus Version 2.0 is that easy to use presentation application that you have been waiting for. The cross-platform CD provides an intuitive interface for building presentations for delivery on the computer, on videotape, through e-mail, or on the Web. Images can be captured directly from a digital camera, from a scanner, Photo CD, or online or Internet photofinishing services. The user has several production options, including transitions, music and sound effects, image enhancement, cropping, zooming, rotation, and support for several popular image and sound formats. Users can output their shows in either Macintosh or Windows format. The CD includes a collection of media clips for incorporating into personal productions. We saw a sales presentation produced using Slides & Sound Plus at Comdex which was first class. A free 30 day trial version is available on-line. Impressive for only $69.95.
Contact: InMedia Presentations Inc., #800-900 West Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6C 1E5, 604 893-8955, 888-5SLIDES,, fax: 604 893-8966.
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia 1998 is available in two editions, the 2-CD Deluxe Edition, and the One Disc Edition. The Deluxe Edition, is a virtual powerhouse of information, featuring the "Online Knowledge Explorer" which extends the disc-based encyclopedia by providing access to four online resources: the Encyclopedia Americana, The New Book of Knowledge, and two other encyclopedia from Grolier. It also includes over 21,000 links to World Wide Web sites, and article updates presenting an average of 500 article revisions per month. Other features of the Deluxe Edition include more than 10,000 pictures, more than 35,000 articles, 15 new Guided Tours, 6 new graphic interface "themes", Multiplex Videos (six related videos on a single screen), Multimedia Maps (moving image cartographic presentations with voice-overs), Interactivities (point and click text and graphic presentations), and a 250,000-word dictionary (which allows for clicking on any word to find its definition). Amazingly, the Deluxe edition is only $59.99, while the One Disc Edition is only $39.99.
Contact: Grolier Interactive, Sherman Turnpike, Danbury, CT 06816, 203 797-3530,
Starry Night Deluxe is a powerful CD-ROM-based astronomy and solar system simulator that ranks as one of the most elegant , beautiful, innovative, and best-designed multimedia products available. The program has earned the prestigious Apple Human Interface Design Excellence Award for 1997, which is given to only four companies worldwide each year.
Street Atlas USA 5.0 is the latest version of this popular mapping application. New features include Address-to-Address Routing in which the program will compute the quickest, shortest, or most scenic route between a starting and a finishing point and produce both a map and easy-to-follow directions; and GPS Voice Navigation in which users who have a DeLorme Tripmate GPS receiver can see their exact locations on Street Atlas USA 5.0 maps, and when the trip is routed on the program, the Tripmate positioning arrows will follow the route. In addition, the GPS Voice Navigation, the comptuer uses that information to "tell" the driver the distance until the next turn, the speed of travel and other location information. Directions generated with the program can also be downloaded to a PalmPilot, and the position can be tracked with a GPS receiver. In addition there are several new Web-related features such as links to DeLorme-designed city Web pages and weather, road construction and special event information. $45
Contact: DeLorme, Lower Main St., POB 298, Freeport, ME 04032, 800 452-5931, Internet:,, fax back: 207 865-7083, fax: 800 575-2244.
Interscapes is a collection of over 100 pieces of license-free digital music created for multimedia use by film and TV composer Scooter Pietsch. The selections cover a range of styles, and includes categories such as Rock, Urban, Techno, Jazz, New Age and Classical. Each of the categories contains several selections which are categorized as Introduction, Transition, Ending and Infinite Looping segments. The sounds are provided in QuickTime format and include 16 bit 44.1Khz, 8 bit 22Khz, and 8 bit 11 Khz versions. Each musical piece is also provided in a Standard MIDI File format so that it can be easily edited, rearranged, and orchestrated. $149
Contact: Second Glance Software, 7248 Sunset Ave. N.E., Bremerton, WA 98311, 360 692-3694.
Nodester is an application for easily making a seamless panorama QuickTime VR movie. Although QuickTime VR is a very seductive and useful technology, the tools available to support it have been limited and difficult to use, that is, until now.
PhotoVista is perhaps, the easiest way yet to make full-field 360 degree panoramas. The process consists of four easy steps: capturing the images using a 35mm camera (and then scanning the slides or prints, or ordering them on Kodak Photo CDs) or digital camera; opening the images; processing the images in PhotoVista, which automatically stitches the images together to form a seamless panorama; and finally, viewing the result on a Web browser or viewer.
MGI VideoWave is a low-cost desktop video publishing application that simplifies video production for both professional and home use. The program uses a "Storyline" approach and supports sophisticated transitions, animated text and video clips, special effects, narration, music, and real-time playback. Video elements can be imported through a video capture or TV tuner board, acquired from the Internet, or from CD-ROM or DVD. Users can save their work in broadcast quality AVI, QuickTime and MPEG formats for PC playback, transfer back to tape, or as streaming video for the Web. $99
Contact: MGI Software Corp., 40 West Wilmont St., Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada L4B 1H8, 905 764-7000,, fax: 905 764-7110.
Miscellaneous News and Reviews
Bausch & Lomb Computer Eye Drops (ALL)
Bausch & Lomb Computer Eye Drops are specially formulated to address the eye problems that computer users experience. Symptoms of so-called "Computer Eye" are watery eyes, eye irritation, dry eyes, red eyes, eye stress, headaches, burning eyes, difficulty focusing, and eye strain. Bausch & Lomb Computer Eye Drops contain the maximum amount glycerin, a lubricant which replenishes eye moisture.
* Position the computer screen at about 20 degrees below eye level.
* Position the computer screen about 20-26 inches away.
* Maintain the maximum contrast and the minimum brightness on the computer monitor.
* Place reference materials close to the screen and at the same level.
* Adjust lighting to eliminate glare and reflections.
* Take frequent breaks, at least every 20-60 minutes.
* When your eyes feel dry, blink rapidly to re-moisten them.
Digital Roadmaps is a set of seven broadsheet-sized infomaps that chart the networked digital future of printing and publishing. This valuable contribution to the literature is co-sponsored by the Graphic Arts Show Company, the National Association of Printers and Lithographers, NPES The Association for Suppliers of Printing and Publishing Technologies, and the Printing Industries of America. The infomaps include the following topics: New Business, New Media, New Technology, Network Printing, Digital Advertising, Cross-Media Publishing, and Digital Specialty Printing. $50
Contact: Digital Roadmaps, 2853 Ontario Road NW #107, Washington, DC 20009, e-mail:, fax: 202 667-6512.
Easy Language: 17 Language Edition is a multimedia language learning package that contains standard vocabulary and pronunciation lessons in 17 major languages on two CD-ROMs. The program teaches common essential words and phrases in a self-paced, interactive environment. IMSI also provides extensive travel and language resources through their comprehensive Web site. The program includes 2000 key words and 250 phrases in Spanish, French, German and American (or British) English, plus 1000 key words in Italian, Greek, Danish, Dutch, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Indonesian, Hebrew and Arabic. The words and phrases in each language are divided into 20 categories that encompass common subjects in everyday life, such as home, office, food, travel, etc. Users select Spanish, French, Italian, German or English as their native language, and the Multi-Lingual Translator helps them learn another of the languages offered. The program incorporates speech recognition technology from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products (Windows version only), letting users record their pronunciations of various words and then graphically gage their voice against that of the native speaker. In each lesson, users can also see and associate an illustration with a corresponding word or phrase in their own language, and subsequently in the foreign language. A native speaking voice gives the proper pronunciation, and a record and playback feature allows for comparison and refinement. $29.95
Contact: IMSI, 1895 Francisco Blvd. East, San Rafael, CA 94901-5506, 415 257-3000,, fax: 415 257-3565.
Book Reviews
Animation Tips and Tricks for Windows and Mac
Foley, Don and Melora
A graphically-seductive how-to book showing and explaining the processes involved in producing several animation techniques. The clear illustrations lead the user through the steps necessary to create professionally produced animations. It provides a welcome departure from the sterile descriptions provided in user manuals.
0-201-69643-6143 pp.$44.95 Contact: Peachpit Press
2414 Sixth St.
Berkeley, CA 94710
Microsoft Press
This book contains a collection of over 6000 annotated listings of useful and interesting Web sites grouped by category. The accompanying CD-ROM contains a searchable database along with a version of Internet Explorer. The Explorer Web browser can be used to access the supporting Web site which has updates and additions to the book.
1-57231-617-91128 pp.$39.99 Contact: Microsoft Press
POB 3019
Bothell, WA 98041-9910
Adobe Systems
A useful guide to one of Adobe's more complicated programs, FrameMaker 5.5. The book supports Macintosh, Windows and UNIX versions of the program, with compatible lesson files provided on the accompanying CD-ROM. The fast and concise lessons provide the hands-on skills necessary to achieve a reasonable comfort level with most of the program's features. Lessons cover everything from learning about the document window to preparing publications for the World Wide Web.
1-56830-399-8351 pp.$45 Contact: Macmillan Computer Publishing
201 West 103rd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46290
Hall, Gillian; Mark Wheeler
The most structured, visual, step-by-step book available for learning the use and operation of NetObjects Fusion 2. The authors provide clear instructions for producing most of the elements associated with using the program to produce a complete Web site. The book can be used either as an instructional text or as a handy reference.
0-201-69658-4263 pp.$18.95 Contact: Macmillan Computer Publishing
201 West 103rd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46290
Carlton, Jim
The most insightful and revealing look yet into the history and impact of Apple Computer Inc. It provides all of the details, many unknown until now, about the inner workings of the company, and the many business blunders that it has made. The author provides many revelations concerning the people, products, and policies that have led to the precarious position that Apple has found itself in in 1997, where the book ends.
0-8129-2851-2447 pp.$27.50 Contact: Times Books, 201 East 50 Street, New York, NY 10022,
Dean, Damon
Webcasting is the process of delivering, or pushing, information to a desktop through a browser interface. It facilitates access to information services that a user has an on-going need to access, such as news, weather, stock quotes and more. Many large Web sites use Webcasting to distribute their messages to readers. This book provides details on producing a personal or commercial Web channel: how to do it, what role JavaScript plays, how to promote it, and how to get subscribers. The accompanying cross-platform CD includes the MS Internet Explorer Web browser, a trial version of Photoshop 4.01, and shareware HTML editors.
0-7645-0309-X344 pp.$29.99 Contact: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
155 Bovet Road, Suite 610
San Mateo, CA 94402
Bodensiek, Paul
A step-by-step guide to using the Corel WebMaster Suite to create a professional-quality Web site. It covers all of the features that contemporary Web sites use, such as frames, forms, tables and multimedia. The accompanying PC CD-ROM includes the Microsoft Web browser, Sound Forge XP, Palette Express, a collection of Web graphics, and more.
0-7645-0300-6378 pp.$29.99 Contact: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
155 Bovet Road, Suite 610
San Mateo, CA 94402
Hyman, Michael I.
A comprehensive guide to implementing Dynamic HTML for the purpose of adding low-bandwidth interactivity to a Web site. The book includes an explanation of the technology and complete step-by-step examples. The accompanying Windows CD-ROM includes MS Internet Explorer 4.0, the Allaire HomeSite HTML editor, JASC PaintShop Pro shareware version, and code from the book.
0-7645-0283-2394 pp.$29.99 Contact: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
155 Bovet Road, Suite 610
San Mateo, CA 94402
Harvey, Greg
The complete guide for Mac and PC users on using Macromedia Shockwave to add interactivity, dynamic sound and animation to Web pages. The book presents clear and well-illustrated instructions for creating Shockwave movies using Macromedia Flash, Director, and Authorware, as well as how to create compressed, streaming audio using Shockwave Audio. The cross-platform CD-ROM includes Microsoft Internet Explorer, Macromedia Shockwave, demo versions of Director 6 and Flash 2, and a demo version of Sonic Foundry SoundForge XP 4.0 for PC.
0-7645-0255-7359 pp.$24.99 Contact: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
155 Bovet Road, Suite 610
San Mateo, CA 94402
Arlov, Laura
A useful guide to creating effective Graphic User Interfaces (GUI) for software programs. It examines each element of GUI technology and provides helpful information how to build user interfaces which contribute to the success of a software project. The accompanying Windows CD-ROM includes Inspiration for Windows (a visual software tool), Icon Extractor (shareware), and Activity Map (Time/System International).
0-7645-0213-1358 pp.$29.99 Contact: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
155 Bovet Road, Suite 610
San Mateo, CA 94402
Steinhauer, Lauren
An easy-to-follow guide to using the popular multimedia authoring program, Macromedia Director 6. It covers key features of the program, detailing how sophisticated interactive multimedia can be created without programming. It covers all of the essential commands and features, and shows how Director 6 projects can be published on the Web. The accompanying cross-platform CD-ROM includes AT&T WorldNet Service with Netscape Navigator, MS Internet Explorer, Macromedia Director 6 Multimedia Studio demo version, and Equilibrium DeBabilizer trial version.
0-7645-0224-7361 pp.$24.99 Contact: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
155 Bovet Road, Suite 610
San Mateo, CA 94402
Smith, Bud
A guide to using push technology as an effective tool for receiving information on the Web. The book concentrates on how a user can link into push technologies for the effective and automatic delivery of data. Information is provided on how to create a Webcasting channel for personal or commercial use.
0-7645-0293-X338 pp.$19.99 Contact: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
155 Bovet Road, Suite 610
San Mateo, CA 94402
Hill, Brad
A guide to more than 900 interesting Web sites categorized into the following sections: News, Entertainment, Learning and Resources, Sports and Leisure, Services, Interactive Fun, Internet and Computer Help, Off the Beaten Path, and Net Surfing. The cross-platform CD-ROM includes Internet access tools and utilities.
0-7645-0217-4402 pp.$24.99 Contact: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.
155 Bovet Road, Suite 610
San Mateo, CA 94402
McConnell, Steve
The book presents a specific approach to software development that can be applied to most projects, in most situations. The four sections are: The Survival Mind-Set, Survival Preparations, Succeeding by Stages, and Mission Accomplished.
1-57231-621-7288 pp.$24.99 Contact: Microsoft Press
POB 3019
Bothell, WA 98041-9910
Isaacs, Scott
Written by one of the creators of Dynamic HTML (DHTML), the book presents examples and explanations on how to incorporate Dynamic Contents, Dynamic Styles, and Dynamic Positioning into interactive Web pages. The accompanying Windows CD-ROM includes Microsoft Internet Explorer 4, MS Internet Client Software Development Kit, the complete searchable contents of the book in HTML format, all code samples from the book, and more.
1-57231-686-1473 pp.$39.99 Contact: Microsoft Press
POB 3019
Bothell, WA 98041-9910
Online Press Inc.
A profusely illustrated visual guide to using Microsoft Internet Explorer, with easy-to-follow numbered instructions, and user tips and techniques. It is written to get the user up and running quickly, providing a clear set of logical, step-by-step instructions for developing skill and confidence.
1-57231-804-X172 pp.$14.99 Contact: Microsoft Press
POB 3019
Bothell, WA 98041-9910
Microsoft Press
This book contains a collection of over 6000 annotated listings of useful and interesting Web sites grouped by category. The accompanying CD-ROM contains a searchable database along with a version of Internet Explorer. The Explorer Web browser can be used to access the supporting Web site which has updates and additions to the book.
1-57231-617-91128 pp.$39.99 Contact: Microsoft Press
POB 3019
Bothell, WA 98041-9910
Borland, Russell
The official preview of the successor to Microsoft Windows 95. The book shows how the new operating system will look, work, and act.
1-57231-630-6462 pp.$19.99 Contact: Microsoft Press
POB 3019
Bothell, WA 98041-9910
Negrino, Tom; Dori Smith
A visual guide to learning the capabilities and applications of JavaScript. It serves both as a reference and a tutorial, with concise, focused lessons.
0-201-69648-7195 pp.$17.95 Contact: Macmillan Computer Publishing
201 West 103rd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46290
Plant, Darrel
A guide to the use of Macromedia's vector-based Web animation tool, Flash. The book addresses all of the capabilities of the a drawing application, an animation sequencer, and an authoring environment. The book addresses the need to import and modify images from other programs; import and export files from other Macromedia Studio applications; create animations, buttons, and actions; synchronize sound with Flash movies; optimize Flash files for publishing on the Web; and more. The accompanying cross-platform CD-ROM includes all of the practice exercises from the book, plus trial versions of Flash, Director, and other Macromedia titles.
0-201-69666-5310 pp.$29.95 Contact: Macmillan Computer Publishing
201 West 103rd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46290
Dayton, Linnea; Jack Davis
A visually exciting, instructive, inspiring and compelling treatment of the use of Adobe Photoshop 4. The authors provide well-illustrated tutorials on how to achieve dozens of professional digital image manipulations. The accompanying Macintosh/Windows CD-ROM includes dozens of ready-to-run Actions; hundreds of stock photos; several filter demos; tryout versions of several Adobe products, including Photoshop 4.0.1, PageMaker 6.5, Premiere 4.2, and others.
0-201-68856-5329 pp.$44.95 Contact: Macmillan Computer Publishing
201 West 103rd Street
Indianapolis, IN 46290
Hahn, Harley
A directory listing hundreds of interesting Internet resources and Web sites, categorized by subject area. The accompanying cross-platform CD-ROM contains an electronic version of the book with point-and-click access to all listings.
0-07-882387-0914 pp.$34.99 Contact: Osborne McGraw-Hill
2600 Tenth St.
Berkeley, CA 94710
Quercia, Valerie
The book includes a tour of the Internet with an explanation of how the technology works. It then provides in-depth information on Web browsers, mail and news readers, file handling, Web authoring, and much more.
1-56592-323-5431 pp.$19.95 Contact: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 103 Morris St., Suite A, Sebastopol, CA 95472.
The Fall 1996 edition of the BMUG newsletter, consisting of a CD-ROM with 660MB of Macintosh software, a 400 page book, and a 6 month membership in the user's group. BMUG is the world's largest Macintosh user association in the world.
0-201-69411-5400 pp.", Contact: BMUG, Inc., 1442A Walnut St., No. 62, Berkeley, CA 94709-1496, 510 549-2684, 800 776-2684,, fax: 510 849-9026.
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