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In April, 2001 Adobe began shipment of Acrobat 5.0, an upgrade that primarily provides new features for document sharing and collaboration; and secondarily, for digital prepress and publishing production.
Acrobat 5.0 incorporates a feature set that squarely addresses the needs of
corporate users. This is a vast population of document creators, editors, contributors,
collaborators, and signatories who produce far more documents than are channeled
through the formal publishing process. This group is far greater in number than
the graphic media professionals who produce all of the various forms of digital
publishing, and is therefore a more attractive marketing target for Adobe.*
*According to Bill Lennan, a WR Hambrecht analyst, only about 15% of
the revenue realized through Acrobat sales is derived from corporate sales.
This makes the corporate market one that is particularly attractive, since it
is so potentially profitable. Barnes, Cecily. "New Acrobat does Flips for Corporations."
CNET March 12, 2001.
Research conducted by Adobe found that a majority of Acrobat users also use Microsoft Word, and that they find Word's interface to be the preferred design for a graphic user interface (GUI). Adobe therefore redesigned Acrobat's user interface to make it more like Word.
In order to address the document needs of the corporate market, Adobe has improved Acrobat in several ways. These include:
• Offering versions of the software that are refined for deployment in large work groups. IT professionals can install Acrobat on thousands of desktop computers using network installation tools. The installations can be customized to suit the needs and preferences of individuals or groups of users. In addition, installations can be locked-down so that users do not have full administrator privileges.
• Extending the encryption level from 40-bit, introduced in Acrobat 4.0, to 128-bit.*
• Improving the compatibility of the digital signature technology so that it can be supported by a greater number of third-party security providers.
• Endowing the Acrobat plug-in for Web browsers with an enhanced set of tools that permits greater functionality, including document mark-up and improved collaboration.
• Supporting the industry-standard protocol WebDistributed Authoring
and Versioning (WebDAV) for Macintosh and Windows which makes it possible for
Acrobat users to simultaneously view PDF documents with comments.
*PDF files set with 40-bit encryption can be opened with earlier versions
of Acrobat.
Tagged PDF. Fidelity of appearance is the hallmark of Acrobat files. Acrobat PDF files look just like the application files from which they are derived. Acrobat 5.0 extends the duplication of documents from the appearance level to the structural level. It does so by capturing any assigned MS Word Styles which tag document elements in meaningful structural ways. Tagged structure is important for several reasons, not the least of which is that it can show the proper order of, and the relative importance of, document elements. In addition, tagged PDFs can be reflowed so that enlarged page contents do not need to be horizontally scrolled.
Prior to version 5.0, all structural components had to be added to a PDF after it was created. This was accomplished with the use of tools such as thumbnails, bookmarks, and articles.
One of the Acrobat 5.0 feature sets that relies on the structural composition
of a PDF is the accessibility functions that address the special needs of those
with vision-related disabilities. The understanding of document structure makes
it easier for screen readers for the blind and visually impaired* to follow
the intended flow of page elements, and therefore produce a more accurate, audible
interpretation of each page.
*Screen readers convert text into speech. Systems tested with Acrobat include:
Henter-Joyce's JAWS (,
and GW Micro Inc.'s Window-Eyes (
In addition to speaking pages, the on-screen display can be set to \"high contrast\" to improve its visibility for low-vision readers. Users can set the colors for the text and the background independently, and can use keyboard shortcuts to control certain Acrobat functions.
Structural Elements. Acrobat 5.0 both maintains PDF files for deployment through other channels, and supports the re-use of all or certain selected elements of a document.
Text can be exported as a Rich Text Format (RTF) file* and opened and edited
directly in Microsoft Word, or any other application that accepts RTF format
files, such as most page layout programs. RTF is a standard file format that
maintains common formatting features, such as text style, on Macintosh and Windows
*Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification, version 1.6, Microsoft Corporation,
May 1999,
"Summary: The Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification provides a format for text
and graphics interchange that can be used with different output devices, operating
environments, and operating systems. RTF uses the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI), PC-8, Macintosh, or IBM PC character set to control the representation
and formatting of a document, both on the screen and in print. With the RTF
Specification, documents created under different operating systems and with
different software applications can be transferred between those operating systems
and applications. (248 printed pages)"
Individual graphics, or the entire complement of a PDF document's graphics, can be extracted and saved in JPEG, TIFF, or PNG file formats (FIG. Acrobat Save As.jpg). The images can then be opened in any compatible program for reuse or editing. In addition, individual PDF pages, or entire PDF files, can be exported as JPEG, TIFF, or PNG image files. In either case, the software outputs each page as a separate graphic image. The user maintains control over the output options, such as selecting the JPEG compression quality (Minimum, Low, Medium, High, Maximum) and resolution (72, 96, 150, 300, 600).
Digital prepress workflows are enhanced in several ways. First, Adobe has used its core color-management technology in Acrobat, as well as in current versions of Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator. This provides a high degree of color consistency as files are moved between and among the applications. Second, Illustrator can be used to open, edit, and enhance PDF files, providing users with an extended editing tool set. Third, batch processing can be applied to almost any Acrobat function using either user-defined action sequences, or through the use of JavaScript. Acrobat 5.0 includes several pre-defined batch operations. And fourth, users can embed metadata, in XML format, in a PDF file to enrich its identity, and make it easier to locate during a search. This is especially useful for eBook publishers who can add metadata fields for such critical information as ISBN numbers and book category information.
Compliant PDFs. New to Acrobat 5.0 is the PDF Consultant tool, which accesses
Adobe and third-party plug-ins that have been created for the purpose of inspecting,
analyzing, and repairing PDF files. Plug-ins provided by Adobe can:
• Locate and eliminate unneeded or unwanted document elements, such as
image alternates or JavaScript actions. The items can be optionally listed in
a report or removed from the PDF.
• Provide a report on space used in the PDF file for certain categories
of document elements, such as fonts, images, bookmarks, forms, comments, and
overall size. The report is provided both in the actual byte counts and as a
percentage of the overall file size.
• Optimize the size of the PDF by removing invalid document elements.
Forms. Acrobat 5.0 has been enhanced with several features that extend its form capabilities to simplify the input process, automate certain forms processing functions, and integrate PDF form data with enterprise databases. Forms maintain the same look and feel as their paper versions.
PDF forms users can complete and digitally sign their forms from within a Web browser, and the information can be linked directly to a database. As the forms are being used, their field content can change dynamically based upon the data that is input. Certain kinds of data structures, such as Social Security numbers, can be validated as the data is input; calculations involving addition, subtraction, and multiplication can be computed automatically; and field contents can be spell-checked. In addition, the data from a PDF form can be output in XML, serving the needs of compatible back-end systems.
Print Control. PDF, as a digital format is somewhat independent of the constraints that apply when printing. Unfortunately, every printer has its set of constrains. They may be related to resolution, color, or most likely, to output size. Acrobat 5.0 provides the capability to print jobs that are larger than the maximum output size of the printer by using tiling. Tiling divides an image into panels equal to the maximum printer output size, or smaller, if desired. At output the user can select from odd or even pages; rotate and center the pages; set an overlap; and more. The user can also preview overprinting to the screen or to the printer.
Acrobat 5.0 also includes a new option related to printing accessibility. In prior versions of Acrobat the publisher either allowed or restricted printing. Publishers can now opt to allow Low Resolution printing of any PDF document.
Make a PDF. In addition to previous methods to convert files into PDF format, Acrobat 5.0 introduces a new menu option, File>Open as Adobe PDF. Using this option, BMP, Compuserve GIF, HTML, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TIFF, and text files can be converted into individual PDF files, or appended to existing PDF files.
In the Windows version, Acrobat automatically installs two icons in Microsoft Office applications. Clicking on the first icon converts the open document into a PDF using the Acrobat Distiller. Clicking on the second icon converts the open document into a PDF and automatically attaches it to an e-mail message in the default e-mail client.
The Acrobat Distiller application has been expanded to include default settings for producing eBooks. "EBooks" now joins Press, Print, and Screen, as a default set of Job options.
Contact: Adobe Systems Inc., 345 Park Ave., San Jose, CA 95110-2704, 408 536-6000,, fax: 408 537-6000.
Also not commonly found in a DTP program is live spreadsheet tables that support basic spreadsheet operations directly within the program. The tables can be linked directly to produce data-driven charts and diagrams.
Like most DTP programs, Greenstreet Publisher 4 can output to either print or the Web. The program is bundled with more than 300 templates for ads, brochures, business forms, newsletters, and more, and additional templates can be downloaded from the Web. $24.95
Contact: Green Street, Meadow Lane, St. Ives, Cambridgeshire, PE27 4LG, United Kingdom, 44 (0) 1480 496789,, fax: 44 (0) 1480 496189.
Word is certainly a particularly important application to digital publishers. The new version has several features that extend its usefulness. These include: Live Word Count, which shows the number of words in real time directly in the document window; improved table-building, with nested tables and improved table borders and shading; a direct Web page preview from the Print Preview button; inclusion of hyperlinks which do not require a knowledge of HTML; and Intelligent AutoCorrect which detects obvious errors and corrects them as they are typed. $499
Contact: Microsoft Corp., One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, 206 882-8080, WWW:, fax: 206 93MSFAX.
Stowaway (TM)
Portable Keyboard for Palm V (PILOT)
The Stowaway (TM) Portable Keyboard for Palm V is a compact, full functionality,
pocket-size keyboard provided in a handy zippered carrying case. This unique,
precision-engineered unit conveniently unfolds to reveal a keyboard approximately
the size of a full-size computer keyboard, with much of the same look and feel.
The keyboard provides a sturdy connection into which the Palm V is seated and
positioned for easy viewing. Each side of the keyboard has a end grip which is
pushed inward to lock the unit in its open position. These end grips are pulled
out to unlock the keyboard and fold it up. When folded the unit is about the same
size as the Palm PDA, only slightly thicker. Its light-weight metal case provides
a secure enclosure, and its folded size makes it easy to carry anywhere.
Keyboarding is not only more productive than handwriting input, but it can, depending on the user, be more accurate. New Palm PDA users can become productive immediately, without a reliance on learning the Graffiti handwriting input language.
The Stowaway software provides controls that can be customized to suit the users' keyboarding habits. Options, that are set on the Palm V include control of the key repeat speed, repeat delay, click sound, mapping of the command keys, and assignment of keyboarding shortcuts. Dedicated keys are provided for direct access to each Palm application.
The use of the Stowaway makes any Palm user considerable more efficient, since data entry is as now as fast as with any conventional computer keyboard. Users can take copious notes at meetings and produce meaningful work while travelling.
The Stowaway is available directly from Palm Computing Inc. at for $99 and from retail stores such as CompUSA, Staples, and Office Depot.
Contact: Think Outside, 5790 Fleet St., Suite 130, Carlsbad, CA 92008, 760 431-9090,, fax: 760 431-7875.
The user can elect to print out any page (all pages, odd, even, spreads, or back to front), and beforehand, see it in a full-sized preview. The normal preview size is a thumbnail image that appears to the right of the Print dialog. The full size preview can be used with individual pages or spreads. The preview shows all items on the page, and clearly differentiates the page area, imagable area, and the paper area. The user can both reposition (left edge, center, center horizontal, or center vertical) and reorient (rotate) the page on the paper area.
The live preview window includes a toolbar which provides the following functions: page rotation, center page, print spreads, tile manually, registration/crop marks, color separations, horizontal page flip, negative print, and enlarge/reduce.
The XTension adds a tab to the regular QuarkXPress Print dialog as well as a live preview window. The Print option lets the user select among the options of printing the document, selected items from the document, or reports on color, font, or picture usage, as well as style sheets. It is the Tool menu that is most telling since it is here that the user can define or redefine a new print style, perform basic preflight operations, execute a batch print operation, and more.
The XTension also provides a flexible Page Slug option wherein the user can specify a variety of descriptive items related to the job, such as the revision number, line screen, and output device name.
Additional features include: negative printing, page flipping, thumbnail printing, interactive scaling (25% to 400%), interactive tiling (with live preview of the tiled areas), printing only selected items (such as type only), adding a page border, and printing to a file.
The built-in preflight capabilities check the document for common problems. These preflight checks include an examination of: missing fonts, overflowed text, the presence of RGB images, missing EPS fonts, lines set to hairline, and much more. $59.99
Contact: Badia Software, 81 Penbroke St., Unit 2, Toronto, ON M5A 2N9, Canada, 416 926-1817,, fax: 416 926-8225.
Badia FullColor XT 1.0 (MAC/WIN)
Badia FullColor XT 1.0 is suite of color tools contained in a single QuarkXPress palette. The user can easily create solid colors and blends, edit them, and apply them to object fills or strokes, or to text. The QuarkXTension can also be used to search for colors and locate where they are used within a document.
The application of a color is simple. The user selects a frame, clicks on either the fill, stroke, or text icon at the top of the palette, and then chooses a color. Alternate methods of color application are equally easy.
The Color Mixer tool uses sliders to control the mix of CMYK, RGB, or Web safe colors. Newly mixed colors are added to the selection palette.
A unique feature of the program is its docking capability. Clicking on the dock button places the FullColor tab right in the upper right corner of the document window. Clicking on the tab reveals the full palette. Interactive movies of each feature, and more in-depth explanations are to be found at $59.99
Contact: Badia Software, 81 Penbroke St., Unit 2, Toronto, ON M5A 2N9, Canada, 416 926-1817,, fax: 416 926-8225.
Andromeda Perspective Filter (MAC/WIN)
The Andromeda Perspective Filter is a Photoshop-compatible plug-in that provides the user with complete perspective control over any image, adding the third dimension of depth. The filter interface provides camera-type control, allowing the user to tilt, swing, and zoom. The easy-to-use controls give the user a wide range of movements including flipping the image over completely so that it is reversed. It is quite amazing, quite versatile, and quite useful. The interface, and a demo version, can be seen at the Andromeda Web site. The filter is available through electronic delivery for $44.
Contact: Andromeda Software, Inc., 699 Hampshire Road, Ste. 109, Thousand Oaks, CA 91361, 805 379-4109, 800 547-0055, fax: 805 379-5253.
FILTERiT4 is a dazzling collection of Adobe Illustrator plug-ins that extend the creative limits of artists far beyond their wildest imaginations. The package includes the following tools: AlignPoints, Broom, Craft, Lens, MetaBrush, Roughening, Trail, Warp, and Wave. The range of effects made possible for these tools is astounding, and can not be described in any meaningful way. Readers are encouraged to go to the CValley Web site and see what this software is capable of producing.
FILTERiT4 effects can also be made directly into Flash movies using simple techniques.
The package also features Live Effects, which collectively act on a group of objects formed from a single object. It can best be described using the Live Frame as an example. Live Frame takes a selected object(s) and converts it (them) into a frame of a given size defined by the user. The elements of the frame are defined by the initial object, and as that object is edited, changes are applied to all of the derivative objects in the frame. Quite amazing. Other Live Effects include Live Border, Live Circle, Live Cutout, Live Emboss, Live Explosion, Live Galaxy, Live Generation, Live Neon, Live Reflections, Live Shadow, Live Tiling, and Live Trail. $129
Contact: CValley, Inc., 212 Technology Drive Suite N, Irvine, CA 92618, 949 727-9161,, e-mail:, fax: 949 727-9188.
The InProduction toolset forms the basis for a structured digital workflow that, when properly applied, can ensure the consistent and controllable production of PDF files for color print production. The toolset is comprised of five elements: * Preflight. The preflight tool performs the operation of interrogating a PDF file to ensure that it conforms to the production requirements established for the workflow. Files are checked against a standard or user-defined preflight profile, that finds differences which are likely to result in errors, and ultimately cause the job to fail. The result of the preflight process is the display of an error list, and an explanation of what each error means and how it can be corrected. Certain errors, such as improper font embedding can be corrected by the program, given that the required fonts are available on the system. In other cases the nature of the error can be fatal, such as the presence of low resolution images. The only recourse is the generation of a new PDF file from its source application. Users can try the preflight process on-line at
• Separator. The separator tool provides the means to preview how color separations will be produced in the output device RIP. Users can intelligently map spot colors to process colors or to other spot colors in order to reduce the number of required plates.
• Trim/Bleed. The trim/bleed/art tools are used to define boxes on the PDF page that will comprise a trim, bleed, or art area. The specification is to within 1/1000 of an inch. Trim box. The definition of the trim size, which can be set to override application-defined settings, is important to specify if the PDF file will be imported into InDesign or an imposition program. The trim size is contained within the page size and allows for the inclusion of printers marks and control devices. Art box. An art box is drawn around a graphic image to create a clipping path. When a PDF page containing an art box is imported into InDesign, only the contents of the art box is placed, the rest of the page is ignored. Media box. The media box determines the dimenions of the document. Pages that will be produced with a finished size of 8.5 x 11 inches, for example, require space along the edges for printer's marks and control devices. The page could be redefined to a media box of 9 x 12 inches to accommodate that need. All of these box dimensions can be previewed on the screen.
• Color Converter. The color converter tool uses industry-standard ICC color profiles to convert LAB, RGB or CMYK into CMYK. The user can also tag or untag CMYK images with the necessary ICC profiles for a given output device.
• Adobe in-RIP Trapping . The trapping tool allows the user to specify the trapping specifications for individual pages and regions for jobs that will be output on devices driven by an Adobe PostScript 3 RIP that uses Adobe in-RIP Trapping. The InProduction tool does not perform the trapping, it merely sets the trapping parameters that will be applied during the ripping process.
InProduction Workflow. The use of PDF files in print production workflows has become a standard occurrence, and has been legitimized by the acceptance of the PDF/X-1 industry standard, which was developed by the Committee on Graphic Arts Technical Standards (CGATs) and adopted by the Digital Delivery of Advertising for Publication (DDAP) as the standard method for digital ad submission.
The InProduction workflow is defined by Adobe to occur in the following order:
1. Preflight. Digital workflows must incorporate an inspection or preflight
step early in the prepress process to ensure that the PDF file has been properly
composed, and that it will not require costly and time-consuming correction
later in the production cycle. InProduction preflight profiles are applied for
this purpose, and can be shared with others to maintain consistency. The creation
of a profile consists of selecting from a long categorized list (Document, Pages,
Fonts, Images, Colors and Output) those things that need to be inspected in
the file, and how their detection is to be handled (Ignore, Note, Warning or
Error). Adobe maintains a registry of company preflight profiles at
The result of the preflight process is a detailed report that can be shared
with the PDF producer to help him or her understand how to produce compliant
PDF files that do not pass preflight must be corrected, or possibly recreated. Newly recomposed files are sent through preflight and the process continues until all fatal errors have been eliminated.
2. Preview color separations. InProduction provides the same CMYK preview capability that is present in Adobe Photoshop.
3. Add trim/bleed settings, art boxes, and printer's marks. In this step the user specifies the precise position of the page image and the boundaries that will accommodate any bleeds, printer's marks, and control devices. These settings may have been ignored during the creation of the PDF, and would be difficult or impossible to add after the fact without InProduction.
4. Convert colors to CMYK. Designers often forget or ignore the restrictions on color reproduction that are either imposed by the nature of the output device, or by the economics of the given job. The result is that PDF files often consist of full color images as well as several spot colors. It is the prepress technologist who is forced to make the job comply with the realities of the graphic reproduction process, and can do so using InProduction's color conversion tools.
5. Define in-RIP trapping. InProduction provides control over trapping both complete pages and page regions. The trapping rectangle and trapping polygon tools are used to draw the trap regions directly on a page. Controls are provided for applying trapping on a page-by-page basis.
6. Output a print-compliant PDF. The result of the use of the InProduction toolset is the generation of a PDF file that is highly likely to output on an imagesetter without errors. The value of such a file is great, since making corrections at a late stage (or the final stage) in production is very expensive, time-consuming, and aggravating.
Contact: Adobe Systems Inc., 345 Park Ave., San Jose, CA 95110-2704, 408 536-6000,, fax: 408 537-6000.
Contact: Digital Media Inc., 3902A Old SR 37 South, Bloomington, IN 47401, 812 355-3030, 800 355-6429,, e-mail:, fax: 812 355-3040.
Adobe Acrobat & PDF Workflow (MAC)
Adobe Acrobat & PDF Workflow is a self-paced interactive CD-ROM training program. Within its tutorial lessons the user is shown how to create and use PDF documents for print and Web workflows. The content, based on Acrobat 3.0, includes highly technical information related to trapping, imposition, and other production processes. The use of QuickTime movies within a Macromedia Director package, provides the user with complete control over the display of the tutorial presentations and other content. The publisher, Digital Media Inc., offers a free Photoshop Lite Training Course CD-ROM for a $5 handling fee. Details are at their Web site: $99.95
Contact: Digital Media Inc., 3902A Old SR 37 South, Bloomington, IN 47401, 812 355-3030, 800 355-6429,, e-mail:, fax: 812 355-3040.
Click 'N Burn Pro (WIN )
Click 'N Burn Pro is a feature-rich CD recording application that simplifies the process of pre-mastering, recording, and duplicating CD-ROMs, as well as designing, printing, and applying CD/DVD labels. Features include: CD-to-CD copies, creation of data CDs, creation of mixed CDs (music and data on the same CD), creation of VideoCD from MPEG-1, mastering to up to four recorders, fast ISO mastering, burning of CD text (for use with audio discs with any CD text capable player), support for Sanyo Burn-Proof technology, DJ Burn (live audio recording from soundcard direct to CD), and more. $49.99 for Windows, $59.99 for Macintosh
Contact: Stomp, Inc., 1012 Brioso Drive, Suite 105, Costa Mesa, CA 92627, 949 250-6771,
Contact: Ilja A. Iwas,, email:
SuperLock 4.5 Pro (MAC)
SuperLock 4.5 Pro is the highest rated shareware security solution for the Macintosh. It provides file- and folder-level protection on a per-user basis, supporting thousands of users and implementing three levels of access. In addition to specifying what a user can access, the administrator can specify when it can be accessed, down to the hour and day.
The program does not allow hard drive alteration, even when the system is started up with a CD-ROM or other form of removable media. It is also immune from force-quitting, and shift key extension bypassing on start-up. The user can elect to have the system either go to sleep or shut-down after too many unsuccessful log-in attempts.
The program is divided into three parts: Admin, Client and Overseer. The Admin section is where users are added or removed, and their access privileges are assigned. The Client is the log-in access itself. The Overseer is an application that runs in the background and performs various monitoring tasks. $35 per single-user license.
Contact: TriVectus, 13041 N. 28th St., Phoenix, AZ 85032-5908, 978 428-8298,, e-mail:, fax: 978 428-8298.
Rewind (MAC)
Rewind is the ultimate file and disk recovery utility. It is certainly an essential tool for every digital publisher since it provides the luxury of returning a file, or an entire hard drive, back to a pre-existing state. This can be a crucial benefit after a needed file has been trashed or written over, or the computer will not start-up.
Rewind uses from 5-25% of a user's hard drive (the amount depends on usage and how far back the user wants to be able to rewind). During the simple installation, the program helps the user create an emergency back-up disk to be used if the computer will not otherwise start-up. Once the user reaches the desktop, he or she can run Rewind and select the files to recover or rewind the entire system. See the Rewind demo at
It is important to note that Rewind is not a replacement for routine back-ups. If a hardware failure occurs, or the system is stolen, Rewind is of no help. However, the more likely occurrence is that a software problem will pop up, or the user will make an error, that Rewind can correct. Macintosh users should welcome this kind of user protection, and seriously consider its modest $99.95 ($89.95 on-line).
Contact: Power On Software, 6525 West Campus Oval, New Albany, OH 43054, 800 797-7382, 614 933-0678,, e-mail:, fax: 614 933-0679.
ScanFont 3.0 (MAC/WIN)
ScanFont 3.0 is an extraordinarily useful program that can turn virtually any picture into a font element, and any group of pictures into a font. What this means is that any existing digital image, or scanned digital image, can be used as a font element...this can include clipart, line drawings, signatures, logos, handwriting, etc. Users can resurrect old print lettering fonts, or design their own. In addition, the program can be used to convert obsolete bitmap font format files into TrueType or Adobe Type 1 formats.
Fonts can be created from scratch, or existing fonts can be opened, and new characters can be added. The program's precise autotracing tool can follow virtually any outline and convert it into a character shape. In addition, the tool palette of more than 20 tools provides the user with everything necessary to refine and test every character detail. The user can also export any font character as an EPS file. ScanFont for Macintosh requires TypeTool (ScanFont alone, $99, with TypeTool, $199). $199
Contact: Pyrus NA Ltd., Box 465, Millersville, MD 21108, 410 987-5616,, fax: 410 987-4980.
What desktop publishing did for the production of printed materials, desktop video will inevitably do for the production of digital movies. Entering the millennium, all of the requisite hardware components are available, and powerful computer software tools, with professional capabilities, are within the reach of both casual and serious digital videographers.
There are several inherent problems with digital video, however. First is
the size of the files that it produces. Full motion video runs at 30 frames
per second (fps), or 1800 frames per minute (fpm). Even at relatively low quality
video, in a modest frame size, it can require approximately one gigabyte of
hard drive space for every 4.75 minutes of video.*
*A standard analog television signal is composed of three parts. First is
the color depth which is 32-bit, RGB. Second is the resolution, which is 525
lines of resolution for broadcast television, 240 lines for VHS tape, and up
to 500 lines from a digital camcorder. Third is the frame rate, which is 30
frames per second for broadcast television.
Second is the problem of capturing the video images into the computer. There must be a way to move stored or live video images, in either analog or digital format, from the capture device (video camera), video player (VCR, DVD player), or live video feed, into a computer for storage and processing.
Third is the problem of managing the video elements, editing them, adding music and voiceover, inserting transitions and special effects, creating titles and credits, and otherwise producing a cohesive, engaging production.
Fourth is the problem of outputting the completed video production in a form that can be viewed by an audience.
Just as in the mid-1980s, when the technologies embodied in the Apple Macintosh
computer, Aldus PageMaker software, and Adobe PostScript page description language,
all worked together to democratize the process of print production, and provide
desktop publishing technology to the masses, desktop video has been unleashed
by the following developments:
• Powerful and versatile non-linear editing (NLE) software, some incorporating
the capabilities of proprietary, dedicated high-end editing systems, has been
made available for use on off-the-shelf personal computers. Programs such as
Adobe Premiere and Apple Final Cut Pro are being used for motion picture and
broadcast television productions, despite the fact that they are also available
to consumers and other nonprofessionals.
• Typical personal computer systems now have the computing power, storage
capacity, and screen size to support desktop video production.
• As in the field of desktop publishing, Apple Computer has provided industry-leading
innovations, in the form of:
-- FireWire,* Apple's replacement for SCSI, which enables easy, and most importantly,
fast, communication between the computer and a wide variety of peripherals,
such as a digital video camera. Transfer occurs without decompression or recompression,
providing an exact digital copy, which is maintained in its native form during
storage and manipulation.
-- iMac, Apple's self-contained, easy-to-use computer system, which has built-in
FireWire, and all of the components to support desktop video.
-- iMovie, a breakthrough desktop video production application that is easy
enough for children to use, yet sophisticated enough for adults to produce professional-quality
video productions. iMovie is provided at no cost on Macintosh computers.
-- Final Cut Pro, a software application priced under $1000 that incorporates
most of the functionality of dedicated systems costing orders of magnitude more.
-- The Apple SuperDrive, a combination DVD-R/CD-RW, drive that provides the
user with the capability to produce a DVD disc that can be used on most consumer
DVD players, or on any computer with a DVD drive.
-- iDVD, an easy-to-use application for producing DVD video discs that can be
viewed on either a DVD player or computer.
-- DVD Studio Pro, a professional interface design environment for authoring
sophisticated DVD projects.
-- Apple DVD-R media, holding up to 4.7GB, and available in quantity for under
$10 each, making DVD production more affordable than it has ever been.
• Consumer and prosumer digital video cameras have dropped well below $1000,
with some models below $500. As significant as their price drops is the fact
that manufacturers have incorporated easy-to-use technology to connect them
to personal computers.
*Also known as IEEE 1394. Sony calls its implemention iLink.
Digital video is the way that video is moving. Video stored in digital form has several advantages over its analog counterpart. These include:
• No degradation in quality when dubbing (copying) video elements. Each successive generation maintains the same quality of the original.*
• Digital video can be transferred to a digital editing system without the need for conversion of any kind.
• Digital electronics incorporate error correction circuitry that compensate for lost or missing data.*
• Digital video can be edited using sophisticated editing tools allowing the videographer to be both creative and productive. In addition, the video elements can be reused and recombined in any way, at any time.
• Digital video supports the application of special effects that can not
be produced in any other way.
• The digital video process is nondestructive. The videographer can experiment
with an unlimited number of copies without risking the loss or destruction of
the original footage.
• Digitally encoded video can be stored on DVD and on other formats that have extended archival lives. This type of media is more compact, and more durable than videotape.
• Digital video can be delivered on-line, on-demand through local networks, intranets, or the World Wide Web.
• Digital video can be written to removable media, such as DVD, which incorporates advanced viewing options, such as scene selection and alternate sound tracks. In addition, digitally encoded video has higher quality than the analog format.
• Digital video is nonlinear, meaning that any scene or video clip can
be accessed randomly without regard for its physical location in the production.
Analog video, in the form of videotape, is linear, meaning that in order to
locate a scene at the end of the tape, the user must bypass all preceding footage.
*A single videotape video frame is recorded on a length of tape that is approximately
equal to the width of a human hair. The read/write heads that record and read
these areas spin at a speed of about 9000 rpm. Given these tolerances, a speck
of dust can result in a dropout, or area of missing data. The missing data is
reconstructed by error correction software on the basis of an analysis of the
contents of adjacent data blocks. In an extreme case, in which one or more frames
can not be reconstructed, the digital logic will copy the last good frame over
all bad frames resulting in what appears as a series of frozen frames. (Module
48: Professional Video Formats,
The Editing Process. The video editing process involves locating and saving the good footage, arranging it in the proper sequence, and enhancing it with appropriate titling, transitions, special effects, music, and narration. Although many video cameras provide some in-camera editing capabilities, the flexibility, expandability, and control available in a desktop non-linear editing system is unsurpassed. See The Handbook of Digital Publishing, Vol. II, pages 287-298.
Inevitably the digital video editing process will involve either legacy footage or contemporary video input that is in analog format. Analog video must be converted to digital video format in order to be used on a computer. Since analog video preceded digital video, analog-to-digital video converters are fairly commonplace, since they were once the only means of importing video into a computer. Today there is a significant need to combine analog video with digital video, and output it in either digital or analog format.
Despite the benefits of the digital format, and maintaining a production solely
in a digital format, there are compelling reasons to output to analog videotape.
The prime reason is that videotape is still the prevalent video storage medium,
found in most homes, schools, organizations and businesses. According to the
International Recording Media Association, as of the end of 2000 more than 200
million VHS (Video Home Service) units were owned by 93 million U.S. households.*
Although the use of the DVD format is growing rapidly, video rental stores are
still primarily VHS tape-based, since most of their customers still use VCRs.**
*Speech by Charles Van Horn, President, International Recording Media Association
(IRMA), REPLItech North America, Tuesday, June 13, 2000, Miami Beach, Florida,
**Total sales of DVD players in the U.S. reached 13 million by the end of 2000,
with sales predicted to reach 31 million by the end of 2003. DVD is the fastest
growing new media format in history according to the International Recording
Media Association. (Speech by Charles Van Horn, President, International Recording
Media Association (IRMA), REPLItech North America, Tuesday, June 13, 2000, Miami
Beach, Florida,
The product of the digital video production process must be displayed in some
form, analog or digital. If it will be broadcast,* or recorded to VHS tape it
will be analog; if it is burned on DVD or CD for display on a computer, or streamed
on-line for on-demand viewing, it will be digital. Since analog sources and
destinations remain such an important part of the video production process,
users must have the means to easily and reliably import and export it. One of
the best and most cost-effective methods to do so is the Dazzle Hollywood DV-Bridge**
for Macintosh and PC computers.
*Although high-definition television (HDTV) is coming, most television is
the same 1960s analog standard. ** Dazzle Incorporated, 47211 Bayside Parkway,
Fremont, CA 94538, 510 360-2300,,
fax: 510 360-0211.
The Dazzle Hollywood DV-Bridge. The Dazzle Hollywood DV-Bridge is a compact, stand-alone device that provides analog-to-digital or digital-to-analog conversions through the use of two sets of inputs and outputs. These connections consist of the following:
• Dazzle Hollywood DV-Bridge Hardware Connections
• Front Panel Back Panel Mode Indicators Mode Selector Composite Video In Composite Video Out S-Video In S-Video Out Audio In (L) Audio Out (L) Audio In (R) Audio Out (R) 1394/FireWire/iLink 1394/FireWire/iLink LANC Power
The Dazzle Hollywood DV-Bridge is autosensing, and adjusts itself to the proper mode based on the connections that have been made. On the basis of the connections, the unit will set itself into one of its three states: Digital to Analog, Pass Through, or Analog to Digital. Each of these states corresponds to an LED mode indicator located at the top of the device.
Although the unit is generally used to import video into, or export video out of, a personal computer, it can be used directly between analog and digital devices, without a computer. For example, if the video does not need to undergo editing, it can be copied directly between the source and destination. In this case the user would need to manually use the Mode Selector button to enter the proper conversion mode.
Any video transfer can be initiated using an attached TV monitor to preview the video in realtime. Although a transfer that goes to the computer will most likely show the incoming video on the computer screen, seeing it on a TV monitor shows how it will ultimately appear when output in standard video format. Connections are made from the monitor's video and audio inputs to the DV-Bridge's Video Out using either a composite video or S-video cable, and to its Audio Out using RCA audio cables.
Video that is being captured on a computer can be controlled by using the record or capture function in the digital video editing software. If the source is a videotape, the source device must be set to the VTR mode on a DV or analog camcorder, or the play mode on a VCR. The DV-Bridge also has a LANC (also called Control-L) connector on the back that can interpret compatible DV camcorder LANC protocol control codes, and allow the video editing software to control the camera. The Dazzle Hollywood DV-Bridge can also capture live video if the camcorder is set to camera mode, or if a standalone video camera is connected directly to the DV-Bridge.
The Dazzle Hollywood DV-Bridge also has a pass through mode whereby FireWire
from the source device goes directly to a FireWire destination. Normally this
will be a DV camcorder input going to a computer output, but it may also be
on DV camcorder connected to another DV camcorder, and eventually alternate
outputs, such as DV Recorders will be available. Although FireWire connections
between the DV camcorder and computer could be made directly, the pass through
is provided for convenience so that the FireWire cable, which is provided, can
remain connected to the computer.*
*A single FireWire cable is the only connector provided with the Dazzle Hollywood
DV-Bridge. The user must provide all other cables.
Contact: Dazzle Incorporated, 47211 Bayside Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538, 510 360-2300,, fax: 510 360-0211.
Files can be added to the Download Deputy (DD) download queue window in any of three ways. First, using the Deputy CD Plugin for Microsoft Internet Explorer, the user can control-click on the link to any file that he or she would like to download and select "Send to Download Deputy" or "Deputy Link Extractor" from the pop-up menu. By selecting the first option the file is sent to DD's queue. Using the second option will force DD to scan the target URL for links, and then add those links to the download queue. This greatly simplifies the transfer of an entire Web page full of files.
Second, the user can drag links or text URLs from any program into DD's queue window. Third, URLs, or FTP addresses, can be typed into an Add Files window. When using the Add Files window the user can also input their username and password for accessing restricted sites.
Downloads are initiated by using the Go button. If there are multiple listings they will be executed simultaneously. At any point the process can be halted by using the Stop button. Any transfer process that has been stopped, can be resumed, even if the computer has crashed, with no loss of previously transferred data.
The user can create an unlimited number of queue windows, with an independent number of simultaneous downloads set for each one. After downloads have been completed the user can select from a number of options, such as breaking the Internet connection, shutting down the computer, launching a given application, or quitting itself. $24
Contact: Ilesa Software,
Among its useful features is the capability to record WebCam activity in a QuickTime movie, to export WebCam pictures in various file formats, to specify a WebCam as a desktop picture which is updated periodically, to send e-mail or ICQ messages to WebCam owners, and to copy WebCam images and paste them into other applications.
This program can be useful to digital publishers who need to monitor a remote process or location, or check on the security of an office or plant.
A WebCam view is selected from the stored listings, or by typing in an address in the URL window. The view appears in the main window, and can be \"torn off\" and placed elsewhere on the desktop by using the \"Tear Off Webcam\" button. Users can submit WebCam listings to Catalunya Disseny Informatic S.L., and, if accepted, notice will be sent to all iCamMaster users. $20
Contact: Catalunya Disseny Informatic S.L., Pablo Iglesias, 63 Local 4, 08302 Mataró, Barcelona, España, (93) 757 39 22,, e-mail:, fax: (93) 757 16 79.
The user can sort their collection into 17 categories, and access particular songs, artists, albums, tracks, genres, and moods, easily and quickly.
The program supports on-line searches for both free and commercial music.
The program includes MusicMatch Radio, providing 18 professionally programmed, customized stations that address specific musical genres such as R&B and 80's hits. The user can also tune into more than 3000 Internet radio stations worldwide.
Music can be recorded onto a user's hard drive or MP3 player from CDs, records, tapes, or on-line sources. Selections from a user's collection can also be burned directly to CD-R on the basis of a playlist, or simply selected tracks. The program keeps account of the running time of each track, and provides a capacity meter to show how full a CD is becoming. After the CD is burned the user can create labels and jewel case inserts with supplied software. $19.99
Contact: Macmillan Digital Publishing, 201 West 103rd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46290, 800 571-1097, 317 817-7290,, fax: 317 817-7025.
Contact: Keyspan, a division of InnoSys, Inc., 3095 Richmond Parkway, Suite 207, Richmond, CA 94806, 510 222-0131,, e-mail:, fax: 510 222-0323.
Quickoffice for Palm Powered Handhelds (PILOT)
Quickoffice for Palm Powered Handhelds supports syncing, viewing, and editing Microsoft Excel and Word files, anytime and anywhere, on a PDA. With the Quicksheet application users can create workbooks and add or delete sheets. The program has over 60 spreadsheet functions. The Quickchart program provides five chart views, in color, generated from spreadsheet data. The Quickword application lets PDA users create or edit Word documents. $39.95
Contact: Macmillan USA, 201 West 103rd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46290.
This book is designed as a beginner's guide for XML programmers. The author starts with the basic coding of an HTML document, something familiar to most people. He then introduces the essential elements of XML, with clear examples and unintimidating projects. He continues, introducing new concepts and covering all of the fundamental aspects of XML. All of the code presented in the book is available for free on the Web.
Available for on-line ordering at
0072127406 400 pp. $29.99
Contact: Osborne McGraw-Hill, 2600 Tenth St., Berkeley, CA 94710
Mandrake Linux ProSuite Edition 8.0
The complete Linux Web Server solution contained on seven CD-ROMs. The components include the Apache Web Application Server, e-mail servers (Postfix, SendMail, POP3, and IMAP), the LDAP Server, a Firewall and Router, a File and Printer server, Web Administration, and a Database Server.
The package comes with integrated wizards and configuration tools to make set-up and customization relatively easy. Further information is available at
1575955288 $ unavailable
Contact: Macmillan Digital Publishing, 201 West 103rd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46290, 800 571-1097, 317 817-7290,, fax: 317 817-7025.
Real World After Effects
London, Sherry; Eric Reinfeld
What could be considered the advanced user manual for Adobe After Effects 3.1 (for Macintosh and Windows). The authors not only show real world applications of the program, using actual commercial productions, but provide hands-on projects. A companion CD-ROM is provided with all of the project files and try-out versions of After Effects and other Adobe products.
Available for on-line ordering at
0201688395 458 pp. $44.95
Contact: Peachpit Press, 2414 Sixth St., Berkeley, CA 94710
Little Palm Book, The
Collins, Corbin
This \"little\" book isn't so little, either in physical size, number of pages, or density of content. The author covers several Palm models, all of the standard applications, how to customize it for personal use, how to learn the Graffiti language, how to connect to a computer, and much more.
Available for on-line ordering at
0201699540 265 pp. $17.99
Contact: Peachpit Press, 2414 Sixth St., Berkeley, CA 94710
Premiere 6 for Macintosh and Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide
Bolante, Antony
This visual quickstart guide is certain to be helpful for any Premiere 6 user. Chock full of screen pictures and clear, concise instructions and explanations, this book gets right to the point in showing and telling how to accomplish hundreds of non-linear editing tasks. It will become a constant reference for those who are using Premiere, and an essential guide for those who are learning it.
Available for on-line ordering at
0201722070 562 pp. $19.99
Contact: Peachpit Press, 2414 Sixth St., Berkeley, CA 94710
Internet Publishing with Acrobat
Kent, Gordon
The first serious reference for creating Adobe Acrobat PDF files for use on the Web. PDF publishing on the Internet provides a unique set of options unavailable in any other format. The author, who worked closely with Adobe engineers and product managers, has written a complete guide to optimizing PDF network publishing, and customizing PDFs to take advantage of Web-based features.
Available for on-line ordering at
1568303009 359 pp. $40.00
Contact: Adobe Press, Prentice Hall, 113 Sylvan Ave., Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
Photoshop Power Shortcuts
Ninness, Michael
This book is a real timesaver for any serious Photoshop user. It contains every Photoshop shortcut known. Written by a senior product manager at Adobe, it clearly shows the keystrokes and their resulting product. This book is likely to pay for itself quickly in time savings.
Available for on-line ordering at
0789721724 369 pp. $17.99
Contact: Hayden Books, 4300 West 62nd St., Indianapolis, IN 46268
Final Cut Pro for Macintosh
Brenneis, Lisa
Here, in words and pictures, is the ultimate guide to using Apple Final Cut Pro for Macintosh. The author covers every major feature, showing in clear detail how to accomplish them. The book is arranged in logical order, from learning the interface and importing clips, to editing, rendering, and outputting.
Available for on-line ordering at
0201354802 508 pp. $24.99
Contact: Peachpit Press, 2414 Sixth St., Berkeley, CA 94710
An attractive, full-color guide to movie production on the iMac computer. The author details the movie production process, including story structuring, storyboarding, shooting techniques, costumes, and the physical process of importing, editing, and outputting completed movies. The accompanying CD-ROM includes iMovie lessons, and movie and sound clips.
Available for on-line ordering at
0201704897 139 pp. $39.99
Contact: Peachpit Press, 2414 Sixth St., Berkeley, CA 94710
Premiere to go
Chominsky, Dennis
This book takes the Adobe Premiere user beyond the basics to generate several expert techniques that are the hallmark of professional video production. The author shows how to produce special effects such as using alpha channels, using chromakeys, using moving video as a matte key, and much more. Readers will find this an interesting and educational guide to advanced Premiere techniques.
Available for on-line ordering at
0130277398 276 pp. $34.99
Contact: Prentice Hall, PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458,
The Visual QuickStart guide to using any of the Palm organizers including the TRGPro and Handspring Visor; in other words, any PDA that uses the Palm OS. The author shows each part of the PDA, how it functions, and how the user interacts with it. All of the integrated applications are shown, as well as procedures for installing new software, and syncing the organizer to a host computer. Several third-party software applications are also shown.
Available for on-line ordering at
0201700638 321 pp. $16.99
Contact: Peachpit Press, 2414 Sixth St., Berkeley, CA 94710
Internet Explorer for Macintosh 5: Visual QuickStart Guide
Schwartz, Steve
A profusely illustrated, easy-to-follow guide to every feature and capability of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 for Macintosh. In QuickStart Guide style, the author has logically arranged all of the IE 5 functions so that both novice and experienced users can find them easily. The book also covers Outlook Express 5.
Available for on-line ordering at
020135487X 311 pp. $17.99
Contact: Peachpit Press, 2414 Sixth St., Berkeley, CA 94710
If you use a Mac and you're on the Internet, give NetBots a try:
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The Kleper Report on Digital Publishing is (c)opyright 2001, Graphic Dimensions, Pittsford, NY, all rights reserved. You may not distribute this document. You may distribute portions of this document, up to 200 words in length, unmodified, provided that you also include this copyright notice and subscription information.
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