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LuraWave technology has several advantages over other methods of image compression,
the primary one being that it produces highly compressed files that maintain
a high level of image quality. It does so by analyzing the entire image, and
when used at lower compression levels (up to 1:10), removes the visual elements
that are not humanly perceptible. According to LuraTech's director of research
and development, Kai Barthel, "More than 90% of the data contained in an
image is unnecessary. The wavelet identifies redundancies and eliminates the
unnecessary data."*
*"Managing Loss," Printing World, Anonymous, September 11, 2000.
LuraWave is favorably compared to most other compression methods, and is often compared to JPEG, since LuraWave incorporates capabilities that define JPEG2000, the successor to JPEG. JPEG, released in 1988, uses the Discrete Cosine Transform which compresses an image into 8 x 8 pixel tiles. The tiles are numbered and are reassembled, in top to bottom order, when they are viewed. A major disadvantage of the JPEG format is that it can produce unsightly blocking artifacts, especially noticeable in areas where subtle color changes are expected, such as in the sky and in fleshtones. LuraWave uses the Discrete Wavelet Transform, which works on the entire image and does not produce artifacts, even at high compression ratios. Images are encoded in a series of "decomposed bands," with each band containing information about the entire image. The bands differ by the specific image data that they possess, starting with gross texture data and moving to fine detail data.
JPEG2000. The JPEG2000 format, under development since 1998 by the
Digital Imaging Group (DIG)* and the ISO JPEG2000 working group, uses technology
that is based on wavelet compression, like LuraWave. Also like LuraWave, JPEG2000
offers both lossy and lossless compression. JPEG is by definition a lossy process
which degrades further with each compression/decompression cycle. JPEG2000 is
as much as 20% more efficient in its compression method as compared to JPEG.
In addition, there are no standard JPEG quality settings, since different implementations
of the JPEG quality scales have different meanings.
*Active participants include Alinari Photo Archives, Agfa, Canon, Corbis, Digital
Intelligence, Eastman Kodak, Hewlett Packard, LuraTech, NETIMAGE, and TrueSpectra.
The JPEG2000 standard is specified in two parts, one which will be available
for free, and the other which will be proprietary and patented, and require
licensing agreements.
LuraWave is the first commercial program to comply with the basic JPEG2000
specifications. When the JPEG2000 specification was officially finalized, in
January, 2000, Kai Barthel of LuraTech stated: "The standard is now available
to all developers. Luckily, we have 90 percent of the techniques specified for
JPEG2000 already built into our LuraWave compressor, so we can recycle much
of that technology. We will, however, have to rewrite our encoder."*
*"JPEG2000 Wavelet Compression Spec Approved," R. Colin Johnson, January 3,
2000, Electronic Engineering Times, page 14.
The JPEG format is limited to the expression of RGB data, however JPEG2000 can manage up to 256 channels of data, so that it can support CMYK or other color models. In addition it can embed full ICC profile information, and be delivered at the device-appropriate resolution, from 24-bit color monitors to 4-bit dithered grayscale on PDA screens.
JPEG2000 offers the image provider more options in regard to how the image is delivered to the user. Two significant options are Progressive by Resolution and Progressive by Quality. In the first case, the user is provided with a low resolution version of the image, and additional detail can be added at the user's request. In the second case, the image is provided at full resolution initially, but with the lowest bits per pixel level. The user can request more bits per pixel to see increasingly more colors.
Users of JPEG2000 images who have the proper viewer, in the form of a Web browser plug-in, helper application, Photoshop plug-in, or standalone program, can utilize the image in the way that they want, with interactive cropping, panning and zooming. In this way an on-line user can concentrate on a particular area of interest without needing to download the entire full-resolution image.
JPEG2000 images can incorporate metadata, which is nonimage information that relates to the content of the image, such as its name, related keywords, and copyright data. This information can also be accessed with the proper software.
Image protection, as a means of protecting copyright owners, is addressed in two ways. First, each image will be generated with a unique number, referred to as its "license plate." The number will make it easier for the image originator to track and identify images. Second, the image can contain an embedded watermark, which is invisible under normal viewing conditions. The watermark will withstand most image manipulations and cut and paste operations.
The LuraWave Feature Set. LuraWave is a Photoshop plug-in that provides the user with the capability to output images in in the LuraWave file format (.LWF). Among the most significant LuraWave features are:
o Speed. The computational time required for compression and decompression are essentially equal.
o Lossless and Lossy Compression. Lossless compression can be achieved at low compression ratios, although lossy compression is an unavoidable consequence of higher compression ratios. Regardless, the lossless techniques used in LuraWave surpass the efficiency of LZW and TIFF.
o User Defined Compression Rate. The compressed image can be produced either to a target file size, or to a prescribed compression ratio.
o Quicklook. The embedded structure of a LuraWave file is such that the full-size image can be reconstructed from only a portion of the file. The quality of the reconstructed image is proportionate to the amount of data that is available for processing. In general, reconstructed images appear clearly since a LuraWave file is structured with the most critical image data at the beginning of the file, and other data attached in the order of its detail.
Making a LuraWave File. LuraWave image compression technology is available in many software forms. This example uses the LuraWave plug-in for Adobe Photoshop. The LuraWave plug-in is installed in Photoshop's plug-in folder.
A file is saved in LuraWave's .LWF format by selecting either the "Save asÉ" or "Save a Copy" choices in the File menu. In the save dialog box the user inputs a file name and selects LuraWave as the format. Pressing "Save" results in the display of the LuraWave dialog box which presents all of the compression options. These options include:
o Lossless. Lossless compression ratios are 1:2 up to 1:5 for photorealistic images.
o Lossy. Lossy compression allows for significant image size reduction. LuraWave provides several image compression controls. These include:
Quality Settings. This is a setting of from 1 to 100, with the higher number meaning a better image. A value of 100 would produce lossless compression. The most usable results are obtainable in the range of 50 to 100, although lower numbers can certainly be used.
Maximum File Size. This option allows the user to specify the size of the target file. This is useful if the file must fit on a piece of removable storage media, such as a floppy disk, or if a batch of files must fit in a given storage space.
Rate Settings. Here the user can input an exact compression ratio. Ratios up to 1:10 are visually lossless. Images produced for the Web have recommended ratios of from 1:50 to 1:100. Ratios of up to 1:500 can be selected for Quicklook files.
File Type. The file type may be embedded or baseline. An embedded file is displayed on a Web page progressively, so that the full size image appears immediately, and fills in with greater detail over time. This occurs in two stages, with a low-resolution version appearing first, with higher resolution achieved as the remainder of the data is received. A baseline image appears on a Web page from top to bottom.
Save as PICT. This is a Macintosh-only option that supports the compressed image with a PICT icon. When the LuraWave QuickTime System Extension is installed, the file can be displayed in other applications. This option produces a larger file and requires more memory to display it.
Use Software Key. This option lets the user define a password that will be necessary to display the image at a quality level beyond the preselected level. It can be used to prevent users from printing images that they do not have permission to print.
Using LuraWave on the Web. LuraWave compression technology is especially useful for the Web since it is so efficient in producing compact files. Small files move across the Internet and display in a browser window faster than larger versions of the same files. Furthermore, a single LuraWave file can be used to generate various sizes of the image, so that one file can be used to produce various sizes of the image.
A LuraWave file can be specified in an HTML page in a manner similar to that used for a JPEG file. It simply requires the use of the <embed> tag, as in:
<embed src="sample.lwf" width=100 height=100>
Although the width and height parameters are optional with the <img>
tag, which is used to specify JPEG files, the <embed> tag requires it.
The LuraWave file will be scaled proportionately if the parameters do not match
the image, and bars will appear in the areas where there is no image. The bar
color is specified using the
A powerful capability of the LuraWave browser plug-in is the option for the user to "improve" the image. Activating this option doubles the amount of data that is used to compose the image, improving its appearance. This option can be repeated until all of the image's data has been received. If the user selects the "Load without limits" option, then all of the data will be sent immediately.
LuraDocument. The compression of documents, as opposed to photorealistic
images, is different, since the compression process can not normally differentiate
between images and text. The consequence is that text usually degrades significantly,
sometimes making it totally unreadable. The common solution is to convert the
image to black and white and use standard Fax Group 3 or Fax Group 4 compression
standards. This solves the text dilemma but sacrifices all of the color information.
"LuraDocument is a document compression procedure which preserves text
legibility together with high visual and color quality. The basis of the LuraDocument
procedure is the analysis and segmentation of documents."*
*LuraDocument Software Photoshop Plug-In user manual. LuraDocument Document
Compression. LuraTech GmbH, Berlin, August 29, 2000, page 5.
LuraDocument produces three images from a single "original" using LuraTech's segmentation algorithm, which automatically recognizes what is text and what is an image. The algorithm works on a pixel basis rather than a matrix of pixels. An "original" is defined as a scanned document of 300 dpi or greater. The first image that is produced is a binary file that contains all of the text elements. The second is a foreground image that contains the text color information. Finally, the third is an image of the background without the text. Each of these layers is compressed separately using the most appropriate compression scheme. The result is a LuraDocument that represents text and graphics in a cleaner, clearer, and more compressed way than in the original digital image.
The composition of the digital original has a bearing on how it will be compressed
into a LuraDocument file. The Photoshop plug-in provides several options related
to that process. According to the LuraDocument user manual:*
*LuraDocument Software Photoshop Plug-In user manual. LuraDocument Document
Compression. LuraTech GmbH, Berlin, August 29, 2000, pages 18-20.
Coding Mode: Selects the layers of the LuraDocument image which should be saved.
Save Everything: Saves colored text and the background.
Save Text Only: Saves black text without the background.
Save Image Only: Saves only the background image (without text). Any detected text is removed from the image.
Save Image and Black Text: Saves black text and the background.The default value is Save Everything.
Text Detection: This switch chooses the method of segmentation, in other words, how text is detected.
Automatic text detection with inverse text. For a document with text, images, and background.
Automatic text detection.
Automatic segmentation which only detects dark text.
Everything is text. Most conservative setting. Everything dark will be identified as text. Everything is image. For pure images containing no text.The default is Automatic.
Adaptive. Quantization method which adaptively calculates the optimal threshold between white and black.
Constant. Fixed value in the range 0É255 used as the threshold between white and black.
The default value is adaptive.
Compression Factor: Indicates the requested compression factor (high to low). It is possible that this compression factor is not achieved due to the complex nature of a document. In this case the text layer is compressed losslessly and the text color and background images are compressed using the minimal quality.
The default value is 1:1000.
Bitonal Coder: The bitonal text layer can be coded to use a Fax Group 4 coder by setting the fax coder. Selecting fax compression lets the text layer be viewed using a wide range of image viewer programs.
In the default case the LuraDocument®-Format is used, offering higher compression in comparison to Fax Group 4.
A LuraDocument is viewed in a supporting viewer, such as Photoshop, which combines the three images into a decoded document. Each of three constituent file parts can be viewed separately if necessary.
Contact: LuraTech, Inc., 541 Cowper St., Suite F, Palo Alto, CA 94301, 650 326-8829,, fax: 650 326-8840.
Contact: Mountain Lake Software, POB 132, Springfield, OR 97477, 800 669-6574,, e-mail:, fax: 541 485-6350.
T-26 Digital Type (MAC/WIN)
T-26 is a digital type foundry that publishes contemporary, hip designs that are highly differentiated. Each design is unique among the typefaces in the collection, and many are unique in the realm of type design. Among the latest designs are:
Baker Script by Eric Stevens, available in one weight, is reminescent of the pen and ink handwriting if colonial America. The characters are roughly hewn and suggest the imprecision of a hand-held writing instrument and the flow of liquid ink. The characters connect realistically, and several alternate characters are included. $29
Circumcision by Matius Gerardo Grieck, available in four weights (regular, sans, bold and sans bold) resembles modern Hebrew character shapes, although the characters are readable as English. The fonts are appropriate for any purpose involving a Jewish theme. $49
Harbour by Gareth Hague, available in three weights (light, medium and bold) has many angular features that are contrasted with adjoining curves. The result is an unusual and distinctive design that is most appropriate for advertising headlines and logo work. $126
Typographiction by Matius Gerardo Grieck, available in four weights (regular, italic, bold and bold italic) is a clean design with sharp points at the end of downward pointing strokes on several characters such as r, p, h, i and n. The counter spaces are very large, forcing the cross bar on the capital A, for example, to practically touch the typographic baseline. The font is very modern-looking and is appropriate for technical and computer-related applications. $69
Xperformulaic by Matius Gerardo Grieck, available in four weights (regular, serif, bold, and serif bold) is a clean modern design with several stylish characters that are highly distinctive. The lower case f, for example, is cursive, and the beginning stroke of the capital H has a single wave. The font is an excellent candidate for logo design. $69
Contact: T-26, 1110 North Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, Il 60622, 888.t26.font, 773 862-1201,, fax: 773 862-1214.
Contact: Synergy Solutions, Inc., 44 Wall Street,12th Floor,New York, NY 10005, 800 210-5293, 212 461-2293,, e-mail:, fax: 212 202-4033.
Font Reserve Server (MAC/WIN)
Font Reserve Server, running on a Windows NT server, serving Macintosh fonts to Macintosh clients over IP, is the first true client-server font management solution. It addresses the needs of organizations and workgroups that deal with large numbers of fonts that need to be accessed by dozens of designers and digital publishing practitioners. Font Reserve Server helps to ensure that everyone has the fonts that they need, and that the fonts are usable and available in the proper versions.
Font Reserve Server incorporates all of the features that have made the original single-user product so popular, such as version-conflict resolution, instant font access, previews, and sets. The product, which has a database architecture, maintains all fonts on a server under the control of the administrator. The administrator controls who uses which fonts, according to the users, groups and permissions that he or she has established. The fonts available to each user are updated in real-time in their Font Reserve Browser.
Font Reserve incorporates Font Sense technology, which is capable of recognizing the fonts needed by a document and activating them (if they are not already activated). This capability is essential for the creation of automated workflows that depend upon unattended operations. Experience has proven that font problems are often the cause of workflow delays and breakdowns. At present Font Sense is available for QuarkXPress and Adobe Illustrator using plug-in technologies. When a document is saved in either of these applications, it incorporates the font specification data. DiamondSoft is working with other software publishers to encourage them to incorporate Font Sense capability into their applications. Pricing is available from Diamondsoft.
Contact: Diamondsoft, Inc., 351 Jean St., Mill Valley, CA 94941, 415 381-3303,, fax: 415 381-3503.
Options include outputting all pages, or a range; and five different imposition styles (2-up saddle stitched, 2-up perfect bound, or 2, 3- or 4-up consecutive). The program provides control over the margins, gap, bleed, creep, crossover and signature size. Printer's marks, including crop marks, bleed marks, color bars, register marks, gray bars, page information, and an editable text field, can all be added to peripheral page areas. Pages can be previewed before being released to print. The user is also provided with the option to distill imposed pages to a PDF. $49.99
Contact: A Lowly Apprentice Production, Inc., 5963 La Place Court, Suite 206, Carlsbad, CA 92008, 760 438-5790,, e-mail:, fax: 760 438-5791.
ShadowCaster for InDesign (MAC/WIN)
ShadowCaster for InDesign is a plug-in for Adobe InDesign that makes it possible to produce a soft drop shadow from any non-white object. Shadow creation is accomplished easily using the Create Shadow tab in which the user can select the type of shadow (silhouette, outline, or ghosted), resolution (36 to 400 dpi), blur radius (Gaussian Blur), color, shading (0-100% in 1% increments), and a horizontal and vertical offset. If necessary, shadows can be burned into underlying TIFF images, in a process similar to flattening an image in Photoshop. Several blending methods are provided, including darken, multiple, lighten, screen, normal, add, subtract and replace. Several additional options are provided, including inverting the shadow and clipping.
An interesting and highly useful application of the plug-in is the production of a screen back of an image to lighten a portion of it so that text can be positioned over it. The screen serves to lighten the defined area of the image so that the text appears more prominently. $99.99
Contact: A Lowly Apprentice Production, Inc., 5963 La Place Court, Suite 206, Carlsbad, CA 92008, 760 438-5790,, e-mail:, fax: 760 438-5791.
StarBurst (MAC/WIN)
StarBurst is a plug-in for Adobe InDesign that simplifies the production of starburst shapes, with complete control over the number (2 to 256), depth of the spikes (and alternating depth of the spikes) and a twist value (clockwise or counter-clockwise). The plug-in adds a StarBurst tool to the InDesign Tool Palette.
StarBursts are a common design element in advertisements, and are quite effective in attracting a reader's eye. The StarBursts can be produced in any of eight styles: sharp, round, smooth, splash, spiney, rising sun, stamp and swatch, and all of the generated shapes (control points) remain editable. $29.99
Contact: A Lowly Apprentice Production, Inc., 5963 La Place Court, Suite 206, Carlsbad, CA 92008, 760 438-5790,, e-mail:, fax: 760 438-5791.
Smart Styles for InDesign 1.5 (MAC/WIN)
Smart Styles for InDesign 1.5 is a program that exemplifies the highest level of plug-in technology. It is certainly a best-in-class example of what Adobe must have had in mind when they made InDesign extensible.
Smart Styles for InDesign 1.5 is a powerful formatting tool that is both easy to define and easy to apply. It makes it possible to apply sophisticated formatting options to any page item, thereby making repetitive formatting efficient, fast and accurate. It is especially useful for publications such as newspapers and magazines that incorporate elements, such as advertisements, that share design and layout features.
A Smart Style retains information about typographic parameters (typefaces, point sizes, etc.) as well as page item properties, such as stroke properties (color, width, type, etc.), fill properties, colors (including tints and gradients), corner effects, inset, number of columns, and more. The \"smart\" part of the program is its capability to interpret paragraph style sequences and record the styles that have been set for the first paragraph(s), the last paragraph(s), and repeating styles for those in between. All of these design attributes are saved as a Smart Style definition simply by dragging the page element into the Smart Styles Library. Each definition is defined by example, without the need for entering data or selecting from menu options. Double-clicking on the Smart Style opens a dialog box in which the user can give the style a unique name. The style is applied by dragging it over a page element. The page element immediately takes on all of the attributes that have been defined in the style. $99
Contact: WoodWing Software, Dijkven 27, 1504 DB Zaandam, The Netherlands, +31 63 16 27 966,, e-mail:, fax: +31 20 86 70 350. In U.S.: 888 563-3427, e-mail:
nik Sharpener Pro (MAC/WIN)
nik Sharpener Pro is a plug-in for Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop plug-in compatible software that is used to prepare images for offset, color laser, inkjet and the Internet. The program addresses the incongruity between how an image appears on screen, and how it will appear when printed (or displayed on the Internet). It provides complete and extensive automatic and manual controls over the image sharpening process, with attention to important variables such as the image source, its size, its level of detail, its inherent characteristics, and the distance from which it will be viewed. In addition, the program contains safeguards to prevent the user from producing an image that is inappropriate for a given application.
nik Sharpener Pro is the most effective solution available for sharpening images and implementing automated processes that will result in consistent and accurate results. The software does an amazing job of bringing out image detail without introducing image artifacts. Artifacts are common to other sharpening methods and result in degrading or distorting an image.
The nik Sharpener Pro algorithm is quite sophisticated, and acts on an image with consideration of the intrinsic detail that it encounters. The Autoscan feature uses artificial intelligence to sense the characteristics of the image and determine its real resolution and level of detail. The level of detail and image quality is ascertained to determine the manner in which the sharpening will be applied. The program acts on sharpening only...the image color is protected, and does not change during the sharpening process.
Controls are provided for the selection of the image source, the printer resolution, the overall image quality, the printer quality, and the viewing distance. Individual users can create profiles that account for personal preferences, and represent different creative styles of sharpening. The profiles can be saved and applied as needed.
The characteristics of the image sometimes require that certain areas are protected from the sharpening process. This is true for images containing foliage, repetitive patterns and anti-aliasing. nik Sharpener Pro provides methods to apply sharpening selectively. $329.95
Contact: TECHnik Group, 2415 Camino del Rio South, Suite 110, San Diego, CA 92108, 888 284-4085, 619 725-3150,, fax: 619 725-3151.
nik Color Efex Pro (MAC/WIN)
nik Color Efex Pro is a collection of 55 digital filters and controls for image enhancement for Adobe Photoshop. Not only does the collection support RGB, CMYK, Lab and grayscale modes, it introduces the Advanced Color Treatment System (ACTS) which produces better and more consistent color for all of the filters regardless of the color mode in use.
Some of the filters are truly remarkable, and produce stunning results. The Sunshine filter, for example, performs light calculations and brightens images by \"digitally enhancing light paths which lie below the visual threshold in the original image.\" Eight prefiltering options are provided controlling such elements as Skylight, Landscape, and Luminance Graduation.
Among the many filter effects that can be achieved from the filter set are solarizing, enhancing contrast with the use of color, enhancing the depth of field, altering and enhancing moods using light and texture, softening and stylizing, controlling color and light direction, creating day-for-night effects, simulating photo paper color and texture, redefining and intensifying colors, performing advanced black and white conversions, converting color images into stylized Daguerreotypes, selectively applying any filter effect and many more.
In addition to filters that can be applied to improve an image, several filters are provided for stylistic and artistic effects, such as sabatier and chiaroscuro.
The filter set is extensible in that the user can create custom color-defined filters from the user-defined bicolor and user-defined graduated filters. $299.95
Contact: TECHnik Group, 2415 Camino del Rio South, Suite 110, San Diego, CA 92108, 888 284-4085, 619 725-3150,, fax: 619 725-3151.
KPT 6 is an exceptional set of image filters that extend the creative capabilities of Adobe Photoshop and compatible programs. The collection consists of eight filters and two bonus plug-ins.
Each filter has a number of features that provide the user with added functionality. These include such things as controlling the zoom view, applying global preferences, and viewing numeric read-outs for each slider. Not only can the user apply any of the preset styles provided with each filter, but they can create and save presets of their own.
The filters and their functions include: KPT Equalizer, to apply sharpening and smoothing effects; KPT Goo, to smear, smooth, pull, add noise, twirl, pinch, or iron (and also create short animations); KPT Gel, to apply a three-dimensional gel over an image using a variety of brush types; KPT LensFlare, to simulate the flare effect that occurs when a bright light source is included in a photograph (with control over color, brightness, shape, glow, halo, streaks, and reflections); KPT Materializer, to apply preset textures controlling lighting, color, depth of texture, and reflectiveness of the material; KPT Projector, to apply two-dimensional or three-dimensional perspective transformations; KPT Reaction, to create and apply virtually seamless tiled textures; and KPT Turbulance, to create waves, wakes, and ripples.
The program includes two bonus plug-ins. The first is KPT Scene Builder which supports the creation of realistic three-dimensional scenes. A complete 3-D modeling environment, complete with camera control, lighting, shading, reflection, refraction, and transparency is included. The user can render the scene at any time, and can work in a variety of preview modes, including Wireframe, Bounding Boxes, Flat Shaded, Bouraud Shaded, and Textured. The second is KPT Sky Effects, which is used to add realistic or unrealistic sky-scapes to images. The user can create rainbows, sunsets, storm effects, and much more. $199
Contact: Corel, 1600 Carling Ave., Ottawa, ON Canada K1Z 8R7, 613 728-8200, 800 722-6735,, e-mail:, fax: 613 761-9176.
The images are derived from two stock footage collections produced by Artbeats, ReelExplosions and ReelFire. Preview images are available at
The images are provided as 300 dpi TIFF files, in sizes ranging from 1300 x 1300 to 4062 x 2965. $199
Contact: Artbeats Software, Inc., 1405 N. Myrtle Rd., Myrtle Creek, OR 97457, 541 863-4429, 800 444-9392,, fax: 541 863-4547.
The World of Wild Birds (MAC/WIN)
The World of Wild Birds is a two-CD set of royalty-free images provided in low resolution PICT (640 x 480, 72dpi RGB), medium resolution TIFF (1062 x 754, 300dpi CMYK), and high resolution JPG (2244 x 3425, 300dpi CMYK). The set includes 120 images. Pricing information is available directly from Dance & Jump Software Co., Ltd.
Contact: Dance & Jump Software Co., Ltd., 8F, No. 8, Lane 7, Wu-Chuan Road, Wu-Ku Industrial Park, Taipei County, Taiwan, R.O.C., 886-2-2298 ex. 327,, e-mail:, fax: 886-2-2298-2266.
The program incorporates a new menu system providing immediate access to audio, data, CD copier, Jewel Case Creator, and Photo and Video options.
The program's audio options are extensive. A user can burn WAV or MP3 files, and record audio CDs from a variety of devices, including LP phonographs, cassette tape players, home stereo CD players, stereo tuners and receivers, computer CD-ROM drives, and direct voice or music input through a computer sound card. The user can apply special audio effects, such as fade in, fade out, and cross fade between tracks. Song specific information, such as the track names, CD title, and artist name can be edited, and the order of the tracks can be changed.
The CD Spin Doctor software can be used to apply noise filtering technology to clean up tracks and remove or minimize annoying sound defects. The amount of noise filtering can be adjusted so that it does not degrade the overall sound quality of the recording. In addition, the user can apply special sound effects, including Concert Hall, Reverb, and Metalizer (which applies a robotic kind of sound). Complete CD finishing includes the semi-automatic production of a jewel case insert and CD label. The package includes labels and an HP CD-Labeler II label affixing device.
Data can be written to a CD in several different ways. * The data can first be written to a hard drive and arranged in the manner in which the user wants it to appear on the CD. The CD image becomes the source for what will be burned on the CD. * The data can be duplicated from an existing CD (using the CD Copier). * The data, consisting of computer data and audio tracks can be mixed in a single session recording. * The data, consisting of operating system software, can be burned on a CD to create a bootable disc. * Various kinds of data can be written to a disc at different times, producing a multisession CD. * The data can be dragged to a CD image, and recorded in a manner similar to using a hard drive (DirectCD).
Digital publishers will appreciate the many options available for producing the various elements that fit in the jewel case. Typographic options include a choice of font, size, color, style, justification, and curved or rotated type. Graphics can be added in the form of graphic primitives (circles and squares), and graphic images can be imported. Objects can resized, moved, and aligned. The program includes a number of templates which comprise themes composed of text layouts and backgrounds.
Video clips can be recorded using the Video CD Creator, which supports the recording of MPEG files. The user arranges the play items and play sequences. Clips can be previewed using the built-in MPEG player.
The application includes several bonus programs. These include PhotoRelay, for creating photo albums and slideshows from digital photographs; Sound Editor, for recording, previewing and modifying WAV files that are stored on a hard disk; MGI PhotoSuite II SE, for retouching and modifying digital photographs; MGI VideoWave II SE, for editing video clips, and adding titles, transitions, audio and special effects; and Take Two, a utility program for backing up the contents of a hard drive to one or more CDs. $89
Contact: Adaptec Inc., 691 South Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035, 408 957-6638,, fax: 408 957-6666.
Although the program works from within a Windows environment, the HTML files that it produces are cross platform compatible, viewable in any browser, or editable in any HTML editor. The program provides several options for controlling the way in which pages are produced. For example, the user can produce multiple page documents as separate Web pages or as one continuous page. If separate pages are selected, the program inserts the links necessary to navigate between them.
Other features include FTP publishing so that pages are sent directly to the user's Web site; a choice of graphic file format; specification of the color palette; retention of hyperlinks and mail links; and more. $149
Contact: Binary Software, 2118 Wilshire Blvd. 900, Santa Monica, CA 90403, 310 449-1481, 800-8-BINARY (824-6279),, email:, fax 800-555-7217 or 310-449-1473.
WebZinger 7 (MAC/WIN)
WebZinger 7 is a unique Internet search engine that is the world's first research engine. It searches Websites on the basis of the search topic, downloads graphics and text, and then composes its results into both an on-screen slideshow and a browsable, printable report. Both the slideshows and reports contain hyperlinks that lead directly to the source sites.
Intense searches can be conducted in the background while the user runs other applications, or in the Fast Search Mode, the program automatically opens the first relevant site that it finds. $24.95
Contact: ImaginOn, 1313 Laurel St., San Carlos, CA 94070, 650 596-9300,, e-mail:
Web Page Construction Kit 5.0 (MAC)
Web Page Construction Kit 5.0 is a single package Internet solution based on Freeway 2.0 LE. Freeway provides a WYSIWYG solution to Web page construction incorporating master pages and advanced page composition capabilities, with typographic controls not usually found in Web page editors. The package includes a collection of more than 5000 graphics, photos and animations; and a printed Freeway manual and electronic guide written by Lynda and Bill Weinman. $49.95
Contact: Macmillan USA, 201 West 103rd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46290.
GoLive 5.0 (MAC/WIN)
GoLive 5.0 incorporates over 100 new features including \"360Code\" which ensures that code, from any source, is not altered during multiple editing cycles. The program is now tightly integrated with several other Adobe applicationsAdobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe LiveMotion, Adobe Premiere, and Adobe After Effectswhich smooths the workflow and enhances collaborative Web production.
The program supports W3C standards and emerging technologies including Cascading Style Sheets, Web Content Accessibility 1.0, WebObjects 4.5 and 5.0, and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), in addition to Flash, Apple QuickTime Streaming, and Real Networks G2.
Among the most notable new features are:
* With the use of Photoshop technology, PSD native files can be automatically resized and optimized within GoLive.
* Smart Links are maintained for Photoshop, Illustrator and LiveMotion files so that they can be edited within GoLive.
* The Site Builder feature allows site architects to define a site structure and navigation using built-in diagramming functions without the need to actually create the associated Web pages.
* Team collaboration is supported with notes and comments similar to those used in Adobe Acrobat, as well as support for the WebDAV standard protocol for group interaction.
* The Site Report Controller for Web site reporting provides Webmasters, producers and administrators with information pertinent to site change and improvement.
* The Enhanced Site Export capabilities make it possible to export multiple parallel sites that work with older browsers, or export a site down to a lower technology level.
* The On-board Interactive Editor for Support of Streaming Media makes it possible to drag-and-drop any QuickTime object or Flash file and place it visually on a timeline without the need to calculate complicated coordinate settings.
* The Dynamic Link for ASP is a new extension that makes it possible to seamlessly connect to ODBC-compliant databases without prior programming knowledge. It is essential for building e-commerce capabilities and dynamic publishing.
GoLive 5.0 uses the familiar Adobe interface which aids the user in moving between other Adobe applications. $299
Contact: Adobe Systems Inc., 345 Park Ave., San Jose, CA 95110-2704, 408 536-6000, WWW:, fax: 408 537-6000.
The Advanced user options are divided into three categories: Orphaned or Lost Files (Remap Files..., Orphaned Text Files..., Clean Up Pref Folder..., Orphaned Aliases..., and Find Files...), File Repair (Damaged Files...), or Processes that will Save Disk Space (Help Files..., Compressed Files..., Duplicate Files..., Empty Files & Folders..., Duplicate Applications..., Cache Files..., and Slim Fat Applications...). The user can implement more than one task simultaneously by setting a slider bar in the program's user preferences which sets how much CPU time and memory are to be devoted to task performance.
The program has a Check for Updates capability that works in tandem with's on-line database. The function can present either a list of all of the applications that are in need of updating, or just the applications that were not checked during the last update session. Available on-line for $59.95.
Contact: Radialogic, 4725 First Street, Suite 270, Pleasanton, CA 94566, 925 426-6100,, e-mail:, fax: 925 426-6101.
File Pirate 3.1 (MAC)
File Pirate 3.1 is a utility that is capable of extracting sounds, pictures, patterns, icons and text from a variety of documents and applications. The program provides digital publishers with the means to access the \"hidden multimedia library\" that is on most users hard drives and on every shareware CD-ROM. $14.95
Contact: Voget Selbach Entertainment, Reuterweg 71, D-53332 Bornheim, Germany,
Primer (PILOT)
Primer is the first software product that enables users of handheld computers, such as those using the Palm OS, to view, navigate and print PDF files. The reader features button layouts that maximize the viewable area, several step zoom levels (25 to 400 percent), and other display options, including a floating window containing the table of contents. The program, which is offered for Palm OS, Pocket PC and Windows CE, is available at on a 15-day trial basis. $24.95
Contact: Ansyr Technology Corporation, Gateway 405 Building, 2nd Floor, 11711 SE 8th Street, Suite 200 Bellevue, Washington 98005-3543, 425 688-1600,, e-mail:, fax: 425 688-9918.
MindControl for Macintosh (MAC)
MindVision for Macintosh is a utility that enables the user to easily and quickly access any program, recent document, desktop item, URL, server and other items through keyboard commands (although it can be used with a mouse or trackpad). As a launcher, the program is unique in that it occupies no screen real estate, appearing only when activated by its keyboard command.
Items are added to MindControl by dragging them to the Commands window. An item is activated by using the MindControl command and then typing the first couple of letters of the target. MindControl will try to complete the command as soon as it has enough characters to complete a match. The program makes it possible to avoid digging through folders to find frequently used files and applications, or littering the desktop with aliases. $19.95
Contact: MindVision Software, 5901 North 58th Street, Lincoln, NE 68507-3249, 402 323-6600,, e-mail:, fax: 402 323-6611.
Aloha Bob's PC Relocator 2.0 (WIN )
Aloha Bob's PC Relocator 2.0 is an easy-to-use utility program that simplifies the problem of moving files from an old computer to a new computer. With the use of its bundled parallel cable, the program makes it possible to transfer applications, data and preferences in just three steps. The user connects, using the parallel cable or a TCP/IP connection; makes the transfer; and then restarts the computer. The program automatically transfers only the newest versions of available applications along with documents, emails, bookmarks, Internet connections, and everything else. It leaves the original computer unchanged. $49.95
Contact: Macmillan USA, 201 West 103rd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46290.
The Day You Were Born (WIN )
The Day You Were Born is a database of information listing news, sports, movies and other historical and entertainment information for any given date in the 1900s. By inputting a birth date and the person's name, the program produces a keepsake print-out with a a variety of backgrounds including simulated parchment. $19.95
Contact: Media Graphics International, 8175-A Sheridan Blvd., Suite #355, Arvada, CO 80003, 303 427-8808, 800 598-2037, fax: 303 427-7833.
ColorThink version 1.0 (MAC)
ColorThink version 1.0 is a comprehensive set of tools for managing, repairing, evaluating and graphing ICC color profiles. Anyone who uses ICC profiles on a regular basis must have these essential utilities. The toolset consists of the following:
ColorThink Profile Manager: Looks and acts like the Apple Extension Manager to enable or disable ICC profiles individually or in sets. The profiles must be stored in either the \"ColorSync Profiles\" or \"ColorSync Profiles (Disabled)\" folders.
ColorThink Profile Inspector: Opens profiles to reveal their unique graphical characteristics, as well as their header and tag table information. The Inspector initiates a 16-point integrity check on the profile structure and internal information. Any problems can be repaired using the Profile Medic, which is an option in the Inspector. In the Inspector the user can also change the profile's internal name or file name.
ColorThink Image Inspector: Opens any of a number of image file formats to reveal the embedded profile so that it can copied, and with the use of the Profile Inspector, installed into the Apple System folder.
ColorThink Graphing: Displays a graphic view of profiles and color lists in two or three dimensions. Graphing is a part of the Profile Inspector. Additional profiles can be added to a particular graph by simply dragging them onto it.
ColorThink Profile Linker: Creates device link profiles for RIPs and color servers. It creates device link profiles from two device profiles. According to the ColorThink manual, \"Device Link profiles are a type of ICC profile that can convert source device colors directly to destination device colors without passing through the profile connection space (PCS), which is typically Lab. They are typically used for simulating (proofing) one device or printing process on another and are useful when the CMM performing the translation is not available on the computer which will be performing the color conversions.\"
ColorThink Renamer: Supports the renaming or synchronization of the internal name, external name, or both.
Color Lists: Color lists generated by measuring instruments can be input, analyzed and compared for the purpose of assessing ink differences, device drift, and other variables. $129
Contact: CHROMIX/Profile Central, 9594 1st Ave. NE #390, Seattle, WA 98115, 206 985-6837,,, fax: 206 526-8278.
Adobe Type Manager Deluxe for Macintosh 4.6 (MAC)
Adobe Type Manager Deluxe for Macintosh is a font management system that supports the installation (with automatic duplicate font detection), activation/deactivation, and preview (on-screen and in print) of PostScript Type 1, TrueType and OpenType fonts. This version adds support for double-byte fonts which are used for Asian languages. The user organizes fonts in sets that can be activated for use under a variety of circumstances, from a one-off document to fonts that are used on a permanent basis. The Automatic Font Activation feature examines the font requirements of documents as they are opened, and activates the necessary fonts without user interaction.
The user maintains access to all installed fonts, and can copy them individually, by suitcase, or by set to a location in the Finder or another location. This simplifies the process of selecting fonts to accompany work that will be sent to a service provider.
The program includes Adobe Type Reunion Deluxe 2.6 software which organizes font menus to display sorted lists by family name, style, and weight variations. It also includes 15 Adobe display typefaces. $65
Contact: Adobe Systems Inc., 345 Park Ave., San Jose, CA 95110-2704, 408 536-6000, WWW:, fax: 408 537-6000.
Adobe Type Manager Deluxe 4.1 for Windows (MAC/WIN)
Adobe Type Manager Deluxe 4.1 for Windows is the newest version of this popular font management program. Version 4.1 adds support for OpenType, the cross-platform font format developed by Adobe and Microsoft Corp. Users can drag and drop TrueType, PostScript Type 1 and OpenType fonts to create font sets that can be activated or deactivated to suit various production needs. The on-screen appearance can be enhanced with font smoothing, and type specimens can be viewed on-screen or printed out without the need to activate the fonts. The software includes a set of 15 Adobe display fonts. $69
Contact: Adobe Systems Inc., 345 Park Ave., San Jose, CA 95110-2704, 408 536-6000, WWW:, fax: 408 537-6000.
Contact: Canon Software Publishing, 2995 Redhill Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, 714 438-3159,, fax: 714 438-1919.
PowerText 3D (WIN )
PowerText 3D allows the user to add color, textures and shadows to text for the purpose of creating logos, buttons or images for Web pages or documents. The program is OLE2 compliant, and can work with Microsoft Word. $10
Contact: Canon Software Publishing, 2995 Redhill Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, 714 438-3159,, fax: 714 438-1919.
Bryce 4.1 (MAC/WIN)
Bryce 4.1 is the first upgrade for Bryce since the program transitioned from Metacreations to Corel. Corel is providing the update at no cost to Bryce 4.0 owners. It is available at
Bryce is an amazing program that provides easy-to-use tools to create naturalistic worlds that the user can create and then move through (animate). The worlds can be composed of mountains, lakes, oceans, etc. and the user can also convert United States Geological Survey data into 3D models. The Sky Lab feature supports the generation of realistic skys. Web tools are included for using Bryce scenes as image maps, or for creating QuickTime VR movies for use on a Web page.
The update is said to be a preview of some of the new features that will appear in Bryce 5.0 which is expected to ship in early 2001. Enhancements in verison 4.1 include new mapping modes: Sinusoidal, World Front, World Side, World Cubic and Object Cubic. A new Custom Starfield Map allows the user to generate stars that are visible from earth (as opposed to randomly generated galaxies). $249
Contact: Corel, 1600 Carling Ave., Ottawa, ON Canada K1Z 8R7, 613 728-8200, 800 722-6735,, e-mail:, fax: 613 761-9176.
Ray Gun (MAC/WIN)
Ray Gun is a utility that improves digital audio recordings by removing flaws and imperfections. It is especially effective in eliminating the scratches, pops, hums, and hisses from vinyl recordings and tapes while leaving the original signals intact. In addition to its uses in music recordings, it can cancel the static and \"line noise\" in telephone recordings, and reduce the amount of distracting background noise.
Ray Gun can be used as a standalone product, or as a plug-in for a wide variety of sound processing applications. Its use is simple. The user previews the sound in real-time and determines the type of flaws that are apparent. He or she then selects the type of noise reduction that is needed and the amount.
Ray Gun is an essential tool both for users who process a large variety of audio files from a wide range of sources, and those who have occasional need to commit SDII and AIFF files to a CD.
Ray Gun provides a Real-time Play-through Mode whereby live audio signals can be played into the computer, processed in Ray Gun, and then sent out to a tape deck or other recording device. $99
Contact: Arboretum Systems, 75 Aura Vista, Pacifica, CA, 650 738-4750,, e-mail:, fax: 650 738-5699.
Advanced Photoshop 5.5 Video Training tapes 1 and 2 (MAC/WIN)
Advanced Photoshop 5.5 Video Training tapes 1 and 2 provides more than three and a half hours of in-depth instruction conducted by experts Bruce Heavin ( and Joe Maller ( The instructors provide practical techniques and methods that can be applied to everyday production. They interact throughout each demonstration, showing a variety of ways of accomplishing the same task, and thoroughly examinating all possible options. Among the Photoshop features covered are: layer masks, background eraser, levels, history palette, clipping groups, shortcuts, pressure sensitivity, history brush, custom brush, adjustment layers, compositing modes, adjustments, advanced layering, channels, quick masks, and more. The tapes include a printed menu showing the exact elapsed time markers for each section. $99.95
Contact: Video Workshops, P.O. Box 789, Ojai, CA 93024, 888 335-9632, 805 646-7076,, e-mail:, fax: 805 640-9607.
Contact: Macmillan USA, 201 West 103rd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46290.
Contact: Canon Software Publishing, 2995 Redhill Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, 714 438-3159,, fax: 714 438-1919.
Existing music, on tape cassettes, CD, and LPs can be encoded in MP3 format (or MP2 or AIFF) through the use of the computer's sound input jack (a 6' audio cable is included). CDs can also be encoded directly from the computer's built-in CD-ROM drive.
Collections of audio files can be organized and sorted according to a wide range of criteria, including album, artist, genre, time and year. The information that accompanies each music file, in the form of its ID3 tag, can be edited either individually or for multiple files.
Additional features include the capability to use SoundJam as an alarm clock, to directly record PlayList selections to a CD (with the use of Adaptec Toast 4.1), to muffle the voice track for karaoke, to look up CDDB data, and more. $49.95
Contact: Casady & Greene, 22734 Portola Dr., Salinas, CA 93908-1119, 831 484-9228, 800 359-4920,, Internet: c&, fax: 831 484-9218.
The program provides the user with several useful statistics, including reading level, word and sentence counts, average sentence length, average syllables per word, and much more, including interest level. The program can also detect problems with punctuation, phrase usage, sentence structure, grammar mechanics and homophonic words. It can work with Casady and Greene's Spell Catcher 8 to provide a complete spelling- and grammar-checking solution. $19.95
Contact: Casady & Greene, 22734 Portola Dr., Salinas, CA 93908-1119, 831 484-9228, 800 359-4920,, Internet: c&, fax: 831 484-9218.
AppleScript Intensive (ALL)
AppleScript Intensive is the name of a new series of four-day seminars coordinated by AppleScript expert Cal Simone. The seminar, designed for the advanced AppleScript user, addresses the particular needs of scripters needing solution-based skills. Dates and locations TBA. $2000.
Contact: Main Event Software, Inc., 1830 Calvert St., NW #3, Washington, DC 20009-1936, 202 298-9595, 800 616-8320,, e-mail:
An illustrated how-to book showing and describing the use and application of Apple QuickTime Pro 4. The authors cover the use of every aspect of the software, and provide information and step-by-step procedures for applying the technology in practical ways.
An accompanying Web site, providing updated information and links to online resources is provided at
Available for on-line ordering at
0201354691 359 pp. $17.99
Contact: Peachpit Press, 1249 Eighth St., Berkeley, CA 94710, 510 524-2178, 800 283-9444,, fax: 510 524-2221.
How to Use the Internet 2001 Edition
Cadenhead, Rogers
A colorful, visually stimulating guide to the use of the Internet, with clear step-by-step instructions for conducting many basic operations. Content includes the procedure for setting up the initial connection; browsing and searching the Web; using e-mail, Usenet and Instant Messaging; shopping and investing on-line; and creating a Web site.
Available for on-line ordering at
0672320002 227 pp. $24.99
Contact: Sams, 201 West 103rd St., Indianapolis, IN 46290.
Inside Adobe Photoshop 5 Limited Edition
Bouton, Gary David; Barbara Bouton
A complete and comprehensive volume covering virtually all of Photoshop's capabilities. The edition expands the original with five additional chapters on advanced techniques. The authors provide clear and succinct step-by-step instructions for accomplishing a complete range of Photoshop image manipulation techniques and operations. Numerous illustrations are included.
Available for on-line ordering at
1562059513 1054 pp. $55
Contact: New Riders Publishing, P.O. Box 4846-V, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360.
InDesign 1.0/1.5 for Macintosh & Windows
Cohen, Sandee
A concise \"how to\" manual for learning the operation of Adobe InDesign 1.0/1.5. The major chapters include: Document Set-up, Text, Working with Objects, Pen and Beziers, Working in Color, Imported Graphics, Long Documents, Automating Text, Advanced Text, Color Management, Output, Export, Customization, and Comparisons to QuarkXPress and PageMaker. Readers will find it useful as an introduction, hands-on guide, or bookshelve reference.
Available for on-line ordering at
0201710366 326 pp. $17.99
Contact: Peachpit Press, 2414 Sixth St., Berkeley, CA 9471
Easy Web Pages, Second Edition
Carrillo, Gina
A highly-visual, full-color guide to the tasks involved in the creation and publication of Web pages. The author shows and explains each operation clearly, and with a minimum of text. The easy to follow instructions leave little room for error; and the tips, hints and shortcuts are instructive and useful.
Available for on-line ordering at
0789722704 171 pp. $19.99
Contact: Que Corporation, 11711 North College Ave., Carmel, IN 46032,
Mac OS 9 for Dummies
LeVitus, Bob
The all-in-one guide to the workings of the Macintosh Operating System 9. The author takes the reader from basic operations to time-saving and efficient advanced user procedures. Of special interest to any Macintosh owner is the troubleshooting section: What to Do When Good System Software Goes Bad.
Available for on-line ordering at
0764506528 400 pp. $19.99
Contact: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., 919 E. Hillsdale Blvd. #400, 800 762-2974, 650 653-7000,
Macworld Mac OS 9 Bible
Poole, Lon; Todd Stauffer
This book covers every aspect of the Macintosh OS 9, from its basic operation to its most sophisticated features. The authors both describe and show how to customize and maximize the OS to suit the individual needs. All of the new OS 9 features are covered, including Sherlock 2, Voice Verification, Web sharing, Multiple Users, the Keychain, Automatic Software Update, and more.
Available for on-line ordering at
0764534149 896 pp. $39.99
Contact: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., 919 E. Hillsdale Blvd. #400, 800 762-2974, 650 653-7000,
Master Photoshop 5.5 Visually
Milburn, Ken
This book is organized into 23 chapters, each consisting of specific Photoshop operations and procedures that are useful in real-life production situations. Each of these step-by-step tutorials is concise and well-illustrated, with over 1200 screenshots, many with call-outs and clearly written descriptions. The book is an excellent reference and is certain to be of help to the expert as well as the novice.
Available for on-line ordering at
076456045X 577 pp. $36.99
Contact: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., 919 E. Hillsdale Blvd. #400, 800 762-2974, 650 653-7000,
Adobe InDesign Bible
Gruman, Galen; John Cruise, Kelly Kordes Anton
The largest and most complete book available on the subject of Adobe InDesign. The authors show the program in comparison to PageMaker and QuarkXPress, as well as show its unique features. The approach is very hands-on, with most of the information being presented in a manner that instructs the reader about a particular procedure, such as creating a graphics frame, or adding space between paragraphs.
The accompanying cross-platform CD-ROM contains a variety of publishing utilities and shareware programs.
Available for on-line ordering at
076453243X 820 pp. $39.99
Contact: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., 919 E. Hillsdale Blvd. #400, 800 762-2974, 650 653-7000,
Adobe InDesign for Dummies
McClelland, Deke; Amy Thomas Buscaglia
This book has been written to provide readers with the essential elements necessary to use Adobe InDesign. The book includes an 8-page color section.
Available for on-line ordering at
0764505998 356 pp. $19.99
Contact: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., 919 E. Hillsdale Blvd. #400, 800 762-2974, 650 653-7000,
Database Programming with JDBC and Java, Second Edition
Reese, George
This book effectively shows how to combine Java with databases using the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Java API. JDBC makes it possible to use Java to access any relational database without regard to the database software. The author describes the interfaces that make portable object-oriented access to databases possible, and provides a model for writing applications that can be maintained easily.
Available for on-line ordering at
1565926161 352 pp. $34.95
Contact: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 103 Morris St., Suite A, Sebastopol, CA 95472, 800 998-9938, 707 829-0515,, e-mail:, fax: 707 829-0104.
If you use a Mac and you're on the Internet, give NetBots a try:
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