Issue 1.3 10/96
This issue of KDP is sponsored by:
Several for-profit companies are now offering free and fee-based programs that resemble, in form and content, those offered by the distance learning services of major universities. In one week I received these notices...
- Kodak has opened the Digital University as part of their new web site for professional imagemakers. This area of The Digital Learning Center features a series of online digital training courses. A new course will be introduced every 4 weeks followed by a competency exam. "Students" (our quotes) can complete the exam and email it to Kodak for verification and scoring. After completing four courses and competency exams the student will be sent a digital imaging certificate. The first course in the series is Digital Imaging Fundamentals.
- Ziff-Davis has opened the ZD Net University. Students can learn on their own time for only $4.95 per month. ZDU students can register for unlimited classes on computing topics such as C++, Java, VRML, Duke Nukem and more. The registration period is now open.
- The Corcoran School of Art and MetaTools have teamed up to be the first to bring a unique opportunity in distance learning on America Online: The Corcoran's popular Certificate in Computer Graphics classes. Online classes will be held on America Online Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:00 PM PT (10-11PM ET) and will run for 8 weeks. For registration information and class schedules, go to
These examples are only a small sample of what resides on the Internet. Although these opportunities are interesting, and are sponsored by industry leaders with excellent reputations, and in the case of The Corcoran School of Art, a well-established and respected institution, there are serious issues that need to be addressed regarding the delivery of instruction by, for the most part, nonaccredited entities. These include:
- Can the student differentiate between valid information and a biased sales presentation disguised as instructional content? How can the student judge if the information is accurate, fair, and balanced? Can the student determine what (if anything) is being sold? What oversight body, if any, has approved the content and is monitoring its presentation and delivery?
- What support services (testing, remediation, learning accommodation, etc.) are available to the student?
- What qualifications do the sponsors of such programs have? Do their Web instructors have appropriate training, certification, and credentials? Are the instructors or course authors identified by name? Is contact information provided so that questions can be addressed to the proper individual? How much personal attention can a student expect? How quickly, and with what degree of depth, will student questions be answered?
- How can the sponsor of a course be certain that the work submitted by a student is his or her own, and not someone elses? What process guarantees the integrity of the course?
- Since students enroll by self-selection, it is inevitable that unqualified students will participate. The result of that can be a feeling of frustration, or a loss of motivation and self-esteem on the part of the student. What safeguards are in place to ensure that students do not have a negative experience?
- Of what value are certifications, diplomas, degrees and other forms of recognition awarded by nonaccredited educational providers? Will potential employers be able to recognize their value when they are listed on resumes and employment applications?
- What continuity can a student expect when course offerings are presented individually, with no course catalog, program mask, or long-term schedule?
- What is to prevent anyone from opening their own online school, or offering an impromptu course? It takes a legitimate university a year or more to get a new curriculum developed and approved by all of the required oversight committees, outside advisory groups, and state certification bodies.
The situation isn't all negative, of course. Online instruction is relatively new, even for established educational providers. And short courses can be fun and instructive, and can motivate learners of all ages. The application of tools and techniques used by nonaccredited providers is helping to establish the sophisticated channels of instructional delivery necessary to utilize the Internet in an effective and efficient manner. Companies such as Metatools, which create the tools that make innovative instructional delivery possible, are pushing the instructional delivery envelope, and are making a real contribution to the educational community. Web-based courses must be graphically appealing as well as informationally rich.
So, what it all boils down to is..."caveat discipulus"...let the student beware!
THE TRUTH ABOUT BE, Scott J. Kleper <> |
First of all, I'd like to apologize for not using some sort of cute title for this column. If you've been following the recent rumors surrounding Apple and OS vendor Be, Inc., you've seen puns galore with the name of Jean-Louis Gassee's small software/hardware company. In fact, the name "Be" didn't come from any focus group, buzzing insect with a stinger, or Latin translation. The story, as told by Be employees, is that Jean-Louis Gassee asked a friend to come up with a name for his new company. When Gassee called the friend to ask on the status of his research, the friend replied that he had begun to search through the dictionary. Gassee asked "How far did you get?" The friend said "B" and the name stuck. So much for any deeper meaning.
For those who haven't heard the rumors about Be, I'll try to summarize quickly. Be, Inc. is currently developing a new operating system that is totally threaded, protected, and multitasking. The machine is based on the PowerPC chip and was designed to run on Be's home-brewed BeBox, a dual-processor PowerPC 603 box. A few weeks ago, there was a report that Apple was conducting talks with Be and attempting to buy out the now 40-person company. Subsequent rumors ranged from Apple using the BeOS to replace Copland to Apple somehow basing future operating systems on the Be kernel. More recently, there have been a few articles that point out the negative aspects of this possibility and even question its feasibility.
Why should this article be any different? Unlike most of the people who have spread these rumors, I have actually used a BeBox. I was an intern at Be for several months last year. In fact, I was just at Be last friday checking out their latest creation -- BeOS running on a PowerMac. While the good folks at Be couldn't comment on the rumors about Apple, they did give a few replies to specific questions and were completely honest with the crowd of visitors.
According to Be, the PowerMac port of the BeOS was begun when Be was told that they couldn't exhibit at the Apple Worldwide Developer Conference because they were not Apple Developers. The issue was worked out and Apple allowed them to attend, but the question of Be's relationship with the Macintosh gave birth to the idea of a BeOS for PowerMac. Seeing the results (still in development) up-close is simply amazing. Even though the box they used only had a single processor, the effects of multithreading were obvious -- several QuickTime movies playing simultaneously, no interruption when pulling down menus or switching apps, and very good response time.
While not talking specifically about Apple, Be did discuss how BeOS could work together with the MacOS. They also mentioned that Apple has been providing them with technical support, and Power Computing has been supplying them with several boxes. According to one Be representative, it would be completely feasible to have the BeOS recognize the Macintosh file system and run each Mac app in a separate "virtual Macintosh." This notion has been discussed before but has been criticized as a hack. As Be portrayed it, this possibility sounds fairly exciting. With each app in a separate virtual Mac, one app crashing would not bring down the machine. While each virtual Mac would still use cooperative multitasking, each would have a separate thread so they could, in effect, run simultaneously.
When asked for a time line on this hypothetical project, the Be representative stated that their immediate goal is simply to have the BeOS running on a PowerMac and to recognize the Mac's file system -- hopefully by MacWorld San Francisco in January. The prospect of a virtual Mac would be the next step. Be said that they would love Apple's (or anybody's) help with that task but again could not comment on any negotiations.
While it doesn't appear as though Apple is on the verge of shipping BeOS instead of Copland, there are several exciting possibilities regarding the future of BeOS. In my opinion, Be is a very talented and dynamic company. Even though these rumors may or may not be true, keep an eye on Be and see what happens.
As you hopefully did not notice, some time last week, we switched over to a new server. One of the more obvious changes was that almost all references to Digital Media Monthly (our old name) have been changed to The Kleper Report on Digital Publishing (our new name). For those reading this via email, the mailing list you are on is now called kdp-list instead of dmm-list, but to avoid any headaches, the name dmm-list can still be used. All of the old URLs and addresses should still work. If you encounter any problems, please send email immediately to <>. Thanks!
Feature Review: FontFinder |
Experienced typographers, printers, and type designers take pride in their ability to recognize typefaces, and to specify the correct one for a particular job. That ability, which is hardly infallible, takes years of study, and, unfortunately, is becoming increasingly more difficult, due to the increased number of typeface sources, and the range of manipulations that type is now subjected to.
Despite the difficulty involved in typeface recognition, the need to correctly identify a typeface is essential for a number of reasons:
1) A job must be reprinted but the original artwork and job specifications are not available.
2) Minor changes must be made to an existing job and the corrections must match the original exactly, so that the job does not need to be recomposed in its entirety.
3) A customer has a sample of a typeface that he would like to use for a job, but doesn't know its name, and neither do you.
A high-tech solution to these dilemmas is FontFinder, a program for Windows computers that uses a font's width-to-height ratios to define a unique fingerprint for each of the over 8,000 typefaces in its database.
FontFinder is based on the fact that every typeface has a distinctive ratio of the width-to-height of its characters, and given a sample of five to seven different characters (sometimes fewer) it is able to produce a list of typefaces that fall within a user-defined range of tolerance, or the single typeface that matches exactly. The program's database has width-to-height information submitted by Adobe, Agfa, Bitstream, Monotype, The Font Company, URW, Microsoft, and Corel; so not only is the integrity of the data beyond question, but the participation of these industry leaders lends credence to the system.
Finding a Typeface. The main purpose of the program is to identify typeface specimens by name and manufacturer. This is accomplished by following a simple step-by-step procedure, which begins by selecting the "Find Font" button from the main screen. This leads to the Sample Condition Window which prompts the user for some basic information that is easily discernable from even a small typographic specimen. The heart of the program is the Character Measurements Window where the font metrics for each of the selected characters are input. The user is provided with a highly-accurate transparent measuring grid with increments of 100 units to the inch (decimal inches). The grid can be used with the aid of a magnifying glass to provide exact measurements, such as 47.5 units (.475").
The accuracy of the width and height information is crucial to the successful operation of the program. For this reason, and for added ease of use, FontFinder provides a second, more precise method of determining the font metrics. Users can use a desktop scanner to produce a digital sample of the unknown typeface. This scan can be opened using a wide variety of graphics and image manipulation software to accurately determine the width and height dimensions of each character. Each program functions somewhat differently in how it supports this process, but, in any case, the user makes use of common functions of the program, such as rulers or measurement palettes, to calculate the character metrics. Adobe Photoshop, for example, has an Info Window that displays an accurate readout of the dimensions of the selection rectangle. It is an easy task to surround a scanned character with the selection rectangle and record its height and width for entry into the FontFinder Character Measurements Window.
After the characters have been entered in the Character Measurements Window the user selects the Find button. This results in the display of the Search Window, which shows the number of matches in the database, as the program considers each character in combination with the next. This process ultimately leads to the display of the Results Window, which displays the typeface match, or a list of typefaces, which are the closest matches. The user can highlight any of the listings and display the manufacturer of the font by selecting the Manufacturer button.
Dealing with the Out-of-the-Ordinary. Type often undergoes a modification when being composed. It may be slanted, expanded, compressed or otherwise modified. Any distortion from the normal, upright version, is going to make it significantly more difficult for FontFinder to process data correctly. In such a case a scanned specimen can be used to counteract the modifications by manipulating the text so that it conforms to the normal version. This can be accomplished by using tools in a graphics program to try to compress characters that have been expanded, or to expand characters that have been compressed, or to straighten characters that have been slanted, etc., etc., etc.
Other Program Options. FontFinder is essentially a single purpose program. This is hardly a criticism since it solves a real that has baffled experts for years. It does, however, perform one other notable function, that is, providing the name of the manufacturer of a type design if the user provides the typeface name. This function is accomplished by selecting the Search by Name option from the main menu, which results in a window in which the user types the typeface name.
Contact: Allied Compugraphics, Inc., 401 Norwood Avenue, Satellite Beach, FL 32937, 407 777-4003, 800 330-4488, Internet: allied@metrolink, <>, fax: 407 777-8003.
Contact: Vision's Edge, Inc., 3491-11 Thomasville Road, Suite 177,
Tallahassee, FL 32308, 904 386-4573, 800 983-6337, Internet:, fax: 904 386-2594.
The grunge typography movement has been advanced with the release of
the Schmutz typeface series: Cleaned, Corroded and Clogged. Each of
these type designs is reminiscent of antique typewriters in various
stages of disrepair. $29.95 each.
The Clay Buffet is Volume 3 in the Image Club ObjectGear series. It
includes 85 clay food objects, each with a prebuilt drop and cast
shadow. The images, which include fruit, candy, baked goods, and
snack foods, are colorful and realistic. $99.99
Contact: Image Club Graphics, Suite 800 - 833 Fourth Avenue
Southwest, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 3T5, 800 661-9410,
Internet:, <>, fax: 403 261-7013.
Screen shot: <>
With Select Phone, desktop marketing has taken a leap forward. Here
are some of the features of the package: tag listings for later
exporting or printing; get a list of neighbors on a street or in the
same building; display additional information about the listing
including the date of publication (when the listing last appeared in
a printed directory), SIC code, latitude, longitude, and more; count
the number of listings that match the search criteria; dial a
listing (must be connected to a modem); export the list to another
application, such as a database; print the list in galley (one
listing per line) or label (13 Avery label formats) format; display
the listing on a U.S. map; find listings based on their distance
from a center point; select listings by type (residential, business,
all, zip, etc.); Quick Look-Up Tables provide instant access to
alternate names and spellings, city listings (and the number of
listings for that city name), state listings and abbreviations (and
a count of their total listings); area code listings and associated
locations (and a count of their total listings); and an alphabetical
listing of business categories and their SIC codes.
Bonuses and extras include the AT&T WorldNet Service software, the
Response List Directory, the Demographic Browser (providing an
instant profile (population, household income, etc.) of any ZIP code
base on census statistics), the Business-in-One CD-ROM (containing
15 million U.S. businesses), the AT&T Toll-Free Directory CD-ROM,
and the next update of Select Phone Deluxe free. $149
Contact: Pro CD, Inc., 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923-4520, 508
750-000, 800-99-CD-ROM, Internet:, WWW:
The first phone book for the Internet contains more than 200,000
registered domain names searchable by name, part of a name, phone
number, business heading, SIC code, or address. If only partial
information is known about a company, the user can use a wildcard
search. ProCD Internet Directory lets the user do searches off-line
(to save connect charges), and then click on listings to go online.
A free copy of the Netscape browser is included, as well as an
autodialer to connect directly to a listings' voice phone, Web site,
or FTP server. $29
Contact: Pro CD, Inc., 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923-4520, 508
750-000, 800-99-CD-ROM, Internet:, WWW:
At the heart of the HTML editor is a complete HTML database
containing tags from HTML version 1.0 to 3.2. The database can be
updated automatically by connecting to the gonet Web site. This
ensures that the user will have access to the latest HTML features.
Gonet provides helpful Project and Gallery windows in which images,
documents, bookmarks, URLs, email addresses, etc. can be stored,
managed, and composed. All of the typical Web editor features are
provided as well as sophisticated capabilities such as mouse
controlled frames, and client-side image maps (which don't require
cgi software). A trial version of the software is available on the
golive Web site. $149
Contact: Gonet Communication Inc., 525 Middlefield Rd., Suite 100,
Menlo Park, CA 94025, 415 463-1580, 800 554-6638, Internet:, <>, fax: 415 463-1598.
The process of composing pages for the Web is in constant
transition, heading eventually for a level of sophistication
comparable to our baseline expectations for any decent desktop
publishing program. As we inch toward that goal we will deal with
many products that attempt to put an attractive face on the tools
that safeguard users from the ugliness of HTML code. One of the
latest entrants in that race is Claris Home Page.
Claris Home Page does a good job of shielding the user from much of
the HTML code that is common to most Web pages, and it supports the
usual list of page construction elements: frames, tables, text
fields, radio buttons, image maps, etc. It conforms to what a user
would expect in terms of functionality, and follows the model that
has been established by Adobe PageMill. It is obvious that all
programs of this kind will be in a neck-and-neck race to implement
and automate both expanded HTML codes and the wide range of
complementary technologies that have become increasingly important
in building Web pages. Programs of this type will have a regular
update cycle (user investment opportunity), thus Claris is offering
a $20 rebate to entice users of competitive products to become loyal
Among the features that make Claris Home Page unique are: the use of
Libraries to store frequently used text, images and HTML code, all
of which can be dragged and dropped onto a construction page
(retaining any links that previously existed); an extensive
collection of over 500 ready-to-use Web graphics; a Statistics
function that calculates the estimated download time, at 14.4 or
28.8 Kbps, for objects and/or entire pages; and the automatic and
virtually instant conversion of imported images into GIF format. $99
Contact: Claris, 5201 Patrick Henry Drive, Box 58168, Santa Clara,
CA 95052-8168, 408 987-7000, 800-3-CLARIS, 408 727-8227,
Macintosh and PC users can place long distance telephone calls over
the Internet, free of long distance charges. DigiPhone works like a
regular telephone, connecting through an email or IP address, and
providing a full-duplex connection, whereby the parties can both
speak and listen at the same time.
Useful features include the capability to: leave an email message
for a party that doesn't answer; encrypt a call with passwords;
identify the incoming call through caller ID; maintain a personal
phone book; and join a NetPub that makes it easier to connect with
parties that use a dynamic IP address (i.e. one that changes each
time the person connects to the Internet). Each package includes two
licenses, one to use, and one to give to a friend, relative, or
We found the quality of the transmission to be dependent on both the
connection speed and the web traffic. We had mixed results...some
connections better than others...portions of the same session better
than others. Don't cancel your long distance provider quite yet.
Contact: Third Planet Publishing, Inc., POB 797728, Dallas, TX
75379, 214 713-2630, Internet:,, fax: 214 713-7612.
A bonus feature of TypeIndexer is an error detection capability that
can find defective fonts and font files. Defective fonts are
normally very difficult to detect, and can cause all sorts of system
The program also includes 26 free fonts. $49.95
Contact: Nikrom, 330 Fort Pond Road, Lancaster, MA 01523, 508-
537-9970, Internet:,, fax: 508
I promptly located GraphicConverter on the Web, and found that it
not only surpassed the expensive product in file conversion
versatility, but it performed other useful functions as well.
The program converts graphic files to and from Macintosh, MSDOS,
Unix, VMS, and Atari. Among its other principle features: it can
display images in a slide show format by simply selecting one image
from a folder... it then displays all images in the folder;
conversions can be batch-processed (registered version only); it
supports import and export filters, including Photoshop plug-ins; it
displays graphics in sizes ranging from 10% to 500%; when using the
Get File dialog the user can generate a list of all files in the
open folder; it can generate a printed catalog (with file name and
size) of all files in a given folder, along with the full path
printed at the top of the page and a page number at the bottom; the
toolbox contains standard editing tools (lasso, eraser, eye dropper,
text, paint, etc.) for modifying files; and more. It is a great
value at $31 (plus 15% tax) in Germany, $30 for Europe, and $35 for
the rest of the world.
Contact: Lemke Software, Erich-Heckel-Ring 8a, 31228 Peine, Germany,
Internet: or, fax:
QuickTime gurus and wannabe directors alike will love MovieCleaner
Pro, the QuickTime compression utility for Macintosh. This essential
utility takes the mystery out of frame rates, codecs, audio
compression, and other QuickTime intricacies by offering two modes,
beginner and advanced. After answering several questions about the
movie you would like to compress (including CPU speed, movie
contents, etc.), MovieCleaner Pro will configure itself based on
your requirements. You can then tweak the settings to your liking
and watch as your movie is compressed before your eyes. MovieCleaner
Pro also lets you add simple effects like audio and video fades.
It's the perfect companion for QuickTime editors like Premiere and
offers many sought-after features like movie cropping and the
creation of cross-platform movie files.
Reviewed by Scott J. Kleper
Contact: Terran Interactive. (408) 278-9065. <>,
Web-Motion is a plug-in for Movie Cleaner Pro (see above) which
allows you to prepare movies specifically to be put on the World
Wide Web. Specifically, Web-Motion adjusts the data-rate (which must
be low for slow connections) and flattens the movie for
cross-platform viewing. Web-Motion also enables "fast start"
features so a movie can begin to play before it is fully downloaded
(effectively providing streaming audio and video).
Web-Motion also has an integrated "expert" which helps you decide on
tradeoffs for optimizing your video. Other niceties include the
automatic creation of HTML EMBED tags and noise reduction filters.
Reviewed by Scott J. Kleper
Contact: Terran Interactive. (408) 278-9065. <>,
Reviewed by Scott J. Kleper
Contact: Looking Glass Technologies, Inc. One Hundred CambridgePark
Drive, Cambridge, MA 02140. <>,
The Trafford on-demand publishing service uses a Web front-end,
proprietary software, and a Xerox DocuTech, to deliver unique
time-value delivery of a growing collection of esoteric and
mainstream titles. The automated system performs point-of-sale,
bookkeeping, routing to the book manufacturing equipment, royalty
accounting, and associated database functions.
The titles that Trafford publishes are, essentially, self-selected.
Authors pay Trafford a modest up-front fee (presently less than
$100, due to increase to $400) which covers conversion of the
digital submission to work with Trafford's system, and an on-line
listing, description, sample chapters, and a Web page. The author
sets the retail price, and receives 85% of the substantial mark-up
over the wholesale production cost.
The benefits are considerable. No inventory. No large up-front
production costs. Authors can update or revise their work at any
time (paying standard charges for operator time and proofing).
Information about each book buyer is kept in a database so that they
can be contacted when a revision or related title is announced.
Contact: Trafford Publishing, Suite 2, 3050 Nanaimo St., Victoria,
BC V8T 4Z1, 604 383-6864, 888 232-4444, Internet:,
<>, fax: 604 383-6804.
The Scitex Graphic Arts Users Association (SGAUA) has published the
Computer Ready Electronic Files 2 guidelines book, which they are
now making available to non-SGAUA members. The book is an essential
guide to preparing standardized digital files for submission to a
trade shop or service bureau.
Among the areas covered in the 68 page book are a complete
production checklist, and in-depth information about digital media,
fonts, text, graphic elements, colors, miscellaneous file
construction items, and other materials. Produced in an
easy-to-read, user-friendly format, the book includes a number of
insightful tips on digital prepress production.
The books are available for $9.95 per copy for a minimum order of 25
copies (volume discounts are available), while a CD-ROM version can
be purchased for $59.95. There will be a shipping and handling
charge for both versions.
Contact: Scitex Graphic Arts Users Association, 750 Old Hickory
Blvd., Suite 264, Brentwood, TN 37027, 615 221-2208, 800 858-0489,
<>, ARA BBS 615 221-2230, fax: 615 221-2228.
Personal mapmaking products continue to become more robust and
powerful. Select Street Atlas for Windows contains provides search
and display options for its database of more than 30 million
street-segments covering the entire U.S. The map information is
based on data compiled in 1994 by the United Stated Government
(TIGER street files), which makes the application from two-to-four
years more current than competing products.
The maps include place listings for over one million entries, in 20
specified business categories including restaurants, hotels, banks,
gas stations, stores, pharmacies, and other essential services. Maps
can be customized with text, annotations, and labels. In addition,
users can import and display listings from Select Phone's 95 million
names and addresses.
This application is the first to work with user-developed databases.
It uses ZIP+4 postal codes to determine the necessary geographic
coordinates, and then generates a map automatically. Unusual also is
the republishing license which permits users to reproduce maps in
advertisements, brochures, and customer materials. $99
Contact: Pro CD, Inc., 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923-4520, 508
750-000, 800-99-CD-ROM, Internet:, WWW:
The "Dictionary of PC Hardware and Data Communications Terms" is now
available in an online version at
<>. O'Reilly created this
online version to give Web users and content providers a convenient
way to look up definitions "on the fly." Each of the more than 900
terms has its own URL and the Web site includes a search engine, so
users can quickly and easily access the term they need.
Author Mitch Schnier is keeping the "Dictionary" current on the Web
so that Web content developers can link to the terms from their
documents. According to Linda Walsh, Manager of Product Marketing,
"In effect, the Dictionary becomes a glossary for content
developers. This is the first such resource for the Web community,
and O'Reilly is committed to keeping it up-to-date."
The printed book (Dictionary of PC Hardware and Data Communications
Terms, 532 pages, ISBN: 1-56592-158-5, $19.95) is still available
from O'Reilly and in bookstores worldwide.
Contact: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 103 Morris St., Suite A,
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Abbott Systems is now providing email delivery of their entire
product line of nine Macintosh utilities. Customers place orders as
usual (by email, fax, telephone, mail) but specify email delivery.
Abbott processes the order and then emails the product and
documentation. The customer gets their order within hours! A
hardcopy sales receipt follows in the regular mail.
The customer gets speed. Delivery anywhere in the world is equally
fast. The vendor has no manufacturing or shipping costs and can
react INSTANTLY to program modifications and documentation updates.
Nice system.
Contact: Abbott Systems Inc., 914-747-3116,,
Please visit our web site at <>
The Kleper Report on Digital Publishing is a free Internet-based
publication. The current issue is always available on the web at:
To subscribe to KDP and have each issue emailed to you free of
charge, send a message to and write
"subscribe kdp-list" in the body of the message. To remove your name
from the list, send a message to with
"unsubscribe kdp-list" in the body of the message.
Comments and inquiries should be directed to:
The Kleper Report on Digital Publishing
134 Caversham Woods
Pittsford, NY 14534
DTP Reviews
A suite of QuarkXPress XTensions has been released in the Xdream
collection. Xdream is composed of over two dozen useful utilities
that can increase production by simplifying common publishing tasks.
Among its most useful features are: placing crop and registration
marks around objects on a page; converting documents into printer's
spreads; alphabetizing a selected range of paragraphs; providing a
palette for the insertion of obscure font characters; magnifying a
document view up to 1200%; enabling the rotation and skewing of text
within its text box; allowing for the searching and replacing of
colors in a document; and many more. The collection of utilities are
readily available in the DreamPad palette which is
user-configurable. $149
Image Collection Reviews
An exotic and attractive collection of African-related designs has
been released by Image Club. This collection of over 200 EPS clip
art images is unusually elegant and graceful, and includes a series
of hieroglyphics and frieze imagery from ancient Egypt. $99.99
CD-ROM Reviews
Select Phone Deluxe Edition 1997 is the best application of its
kind. We were very impressed not only with its wide range of
capabilities, but with its reasonable price. This set of nine
CD-ROMs contains every published listing from every phonebook in the
United States.
Internet Reviews
The golive pro 1.1 HTML editor for Macintosh is the first to combine
a codeless drag-and-drop interface with a sophisticated
outline-based HTML editor. The user can switch between the two,
quickly assembling elements on a page, and then tweaking the code to
get a precise result.
Utility Reviews
Every serious desktop publisher has a sizable collection of
PostScript fonts. The value of a large collection is diminished,
however, by the inability to find the appropriate font for a given
purpose. TypeIndexer is an incredibly useful utility that produces
professional typographic specimen sheets, in a wide variety of
styles, with up to 60 typefaces per page. A key feature of the
program is its ability to access an unlimited number of installed
and uninstalled fonts, either singly or by the thousands. The
program includes several built-in layouts, as well as customizable
layouts written in PostScript that can be hacked to produce new
layout schemes.
Multimedia/Graphics Reviews
While attending a demonstration of a commercial file translation
program, a colleague asked the presenter why he would pay her
company almost one thousand dollars for a utility that he could
purchase in the form of shareware for under $40. That was the first
time that I heard of GraphicConverter for Macintosh.
Entertainment Reviews
Flight Unlimited from Looking Glass Technologies, Inc. is a graphic
and feature rich flight simulator for the PowerMacintosh. This
simulation really shines in realism, showing the creator's attention
to detail. Flight Unlimited allows you to fly a variety of aircraft
in a variety of different settings and situations. Some of the more
clever features include the interactive training, the VR-ish feeling
of moving around the bases, the incredible graphics, smooth
animation, and stimulating sense of control and feedback. The
simulator also contains the necessities of any flight simulator --
your logbook, flight recordings, special maneuvers, and, of course,
crashes. This game is a must-see for any flight enthusiasts.
Miscellaneous News and Reviews
The virtual book vending machine is now a reality. It can be reached
through the WWW at <>, and connects book
buyers with an automated print on-demand system.
A Word From Our Sponsors
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