KDP Subscription Information
To promote the development of the Internet as a publishing medium and the sharing of information throughout the publishing industry, The Kleper Report on Digital Publishing is available electronically free of charge. To have each monthly issue of The Kleper Report sent to your Internet mailbox, send an email message to <list-request@printerport.com>. In the body of the message, put "subscribe kdp-list" and you will be automatically added to our mailing list. Or you can just fill out this form and we'll add you automatically:
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HTML versions of each issue will also be available online at this URL. Both versions will feature the same content and both will have references/links to screen shots and other sites.

The Kleper Report and the KDP web site are invaluable resources for Internet publishers, webmasters, and anybody in the printing and publishing industries. We offer over a dozen product reviews in each issue, an online product searching facility, thought-provoking editorials, and links to information of interest to our readers. We welcome your questions, comments, and suggestions. Please send email to <kdp@printerport.com>

©1996 Graphic Dimensions, Pittsford, NY
updated 9/24/96 by Klep